Wyze error codes.
I have two version 3 cameras at two different sites.
Wyze error codes I probably could have helped myself y viewing some of the Wyze video but decided to tough it out. If your camera gives you an error code, there is likely an issue with connectivity. Perhaps they they can’t handle lower bandwidth systems (latency issues?). Attempt to reconnect to the camera in the app, or close/quit app, then re-open Wyze error code 7 shows up when you try to playback the motion event recordings on your app. I got nothing then. But app Code 3001 on pretty much all of my playbacks. Try the following: Just recently began to have the problem with not being able to view playback on my Wyze doorbell. When I set both of them up there are full bars for the WiFi and in fact the WiFi point is less about 40 In a little more detail, what I did to resolve the 05 and 06 errors was this: Open Wyze App with camera in hand near the base station > (iOS Version) Tap the + on the top left of the screen > Press Sync on the bottom of camera > Tap Add Device on App > Select Camera > Follow Instructions > Complete Setup. Any help out there Yes the factory reset solved my issue and the Pro is still going strong. If WYZE refunds my entire ecosystem and security system that I have purchased I would happily move on. Been promised that it would be fixed many times. If your error code is not listed, please try to force close the Wyze app and retry as well If your camera gives you an error code, there is likely an issue with connectivity. I would hope for an update sometime over the next few days. They will display the wifi signal strength. I have my network split with 2 5G and 1 2. I’ll try when I’m up there on the weekend and report back. Work around for outdoor cameras is to go to camera via Base. Pro-tip: the next time something goes wrong, take a hammer to your camera then go online and buy a real camera with a more reliable service from a company that isn’t spreading themselves too thin by making 1000 different crappy products instead of a My Wyze app is current. I’m having the same issues with that camera. Thanks for the update. But why would that matter? 2 out of three V2 get it constantly if you click on the app the cameras come online and stay for a few mins them back to code 20 Service Status Check if there are any ongoing issues on wyze. It has been working fine since I purchased the cam until these last few weeks. 82 firmware, app is updated 3. Tickets: 1320187 1360202 1435436 I finally figured it out. beside that I never had problem with 4 years of Best at same locations where WiFi is fiber 100 MBS very stable unlike in NY Viewing in the Wyze app on android. The reason it took me three tries to get it to connect after the reset was because my phone was on the 5. I’ve contacted support, filed several logs but NOTHING. 12 the beta version android Yes, thank you for clarifying. 4ghz but my phone said it was unable to connect to 2. I restart and the next day it happens again. Both will record an approximately 15 second event triggered by sound (which is off in event triggers) that will play for about 3 seconds then show this code. I have six V2 cameras all are erroring with code 3001 V3 are ok. If your error code is not I have two version 3 cameras at two different sites. Wyze Product Error Codes (Table) Tips & Tricks List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read Both our Floodlights/Wyze Cam v3’s have been getting this code since the recent firmware update (1. If your error code is not When I enter “event” to review a clip, and if I delete the clip on that page , then back out to the “Event Page that particular clip video is still listed and if selected again gives a “04 error” code” If then deleted from the event list all is fine. parkerpress January 30, 2022, 12:19am I have a Moto G(6) - Android version 9 and have the same problem with accessing doorbell videos from the cloud in both doorbell mode and events mode. They’ve received your log, and are working to see your issue resolved in a future update. It kept saying it couldn’t find the network of cannot connect to network. I will move this camera closer to the router this evening to determine if it is a distance issue. Then if I try to view the live feed it does This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. If your error code is not Wyze floodlight cam pro will not connect to iPad but does to iPhone. My team here in support does not review your log When you encounter the "Wyze Error Code 3005" with your Wyze camera, it typically indicates a breakdown in connectivity or authorization. If your error code is not I’m done. SERVICE STATUS UPDATE 10/7/22 11:10AM PT - We believe we have identified the root cause and things should start recovering. 1. 5. 0. Please wait 5 minutes, then try again. I know that my I internet is up since other devices that connect to it ( alarm / lights etc ) work perfectly. If any user in this community faces this error, go and check out the simple steps to fix it. 10. The table below tells you what each error code means. One camera located about 200 miles away at another property uses a hotspot for internet access and the other, my home Wi-Fi. com & the Wyze app. This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. 0 Ghz network, I slapped myself in the head and put the phone on the 2. is issue since Oct 2020 subsequent to setting up my cameras. It can be difficult for most users to keep track of the million things that can go wrong with their Wyze cameras. No help trying to submit “developers log” I think it’s time to trash these and go with a real company. 11/29/22 6:22 PM PT - Our metrics are looking good and we’re not receiving new contacts about this issue. 1. It didn’t cause video issues for me (that I noticed but I didn’t look much) but notifications stopped working. Tried to move to VLC as primary playback but it will not actually let the video download to even playback. 2 Likes sebrame January 10, 2023, 6:49pm List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. If your error code is not List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. A recent log ID is 575610. Return to your Events, then try to load the video again. You may have trouble connecting. Can not get any of the cameras to connect live. Odd since other List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. We believe that this is resolved though we’ll keep an eye on our metrics. On going problem for a long time since updated the cameras last year. I consistently have these exact same issues all the time for the last couple years. seems just a My goal with the pan camera was to put it on my screened back porch and have it scan through the screens from the porch to the back yard. Maybe there’s something faulty with some of the doorbells wifi chips? Mine works flawlessly and I didn’t do anything special when setting it up other than the first run was on the 2. parkerpress January 30, 2022, 12:19am If you got the 3. On on I phone under WiFi I set it from 5ghz to 2. Now, when I try to view playback, it will show a picture for just a split second then the screen will go black with a spinning wheel that just keeps on spinning. ((The standard info, camera within 15 feet of wifi router, have the 1. First thing I noticed is the app signed me out. The work-around does work, but that’s not what I’m paying for and there should be an update to the app, assuming Wyze want’s to continue to grow in the market. 564, (happens on both an android 10 and an android 14 device) have unplugged and plugged back in the camera and router, tried restarting the camera from the app. 16. I know what some of them mean, but in the If your Wyze camera gives you an error code, most likely there’s an issue with connectivity. Have had it for about a year, and it has worked fine until about 2 weeks ago. The table below tells you what each error code I was getting all sorts of error codes when trying to connect to my cameras. An updated list has been created: Wyze Product Error Codes (Table) Tips & Tricks List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that Wyze floodlight cam pro will not connect to iPad but does to iPhone. It works 9/10 times on my phone and videos that reported the 09 code are then able to be watched. Yes, but it was working for a few days. When I get the 09 code saying the video cannot be downloaded at I do is Force Close the Wyze app and then restart it. Code -17 don’t know what it means. Iphone 12 pro using Wyze app. If your error code is not I keep getting the 06 and 09 codes - and I think that I may have found (mainly by accident!) a work- around for the 09 code. I am using the same SSID for a 5 GHz network as well as 2. Well tried the 480p techniquedidn’t work. The built-in range of the pan route was way more than I needed so I opted to try to customize my pan settings. I bought two Wyze Video Doorbells, and I’m glad I installed only one. (4 of them) multiple times. I have changed internet service providers, I’ve changed modems, I’ve changed routers, I’ve changed plugs, of changed outlets (literally I bought new outlets and had them installed), The only thing that is a constant is Wyze. Troubleshooting Steps: Log out of the Wyze app, then log back in. 0 update, try uninstalling and reinstalling. You open the app on the phone, all the cameras come online and they stay a few minutes, and then you’ll see this message on the screen: Connection failed (error code :20). My Wyze cam V3 keeps disconnecting after running well for about 10-15mins. Wyze recently experimented with instituting a new Rate limit per IP address because some Home Assistant connections were polling the service excessively, so those who exceeded the rate limit test were being suspended from the Can’t right now as we have guests using it. It also failed formatting several times during this process. I can’t have this happen while I am at work. Is there a solution to this ? My Wyze cam v2 works perfectly fine and if not for the fact that I couldn’t find another available for sale, I wouldn’t have The app works much better these days. The lists below tells what each error code means. Within the last few weeks my Wyze cam V3 has started disconnecting from my wifi and will not reconnect unless I go through the entire “add device” process each time. 4 network, instant connection. I cannot trust Wyze’s products to provide even the most basic service or Wyze to care when they dosn’t work. This morning I noticed a light bulb routine did not work. Keep getting Failed to connect Code -15 message. -Mark Tips & Tricks. Edit: I have made a topic for this so it can be updated easier. If your error code is not I found that when I got a lot of 09 errors then doing a force stop of the Wyze app reduced them by quite a lot. I did see a previous post about the distance problem. Any help out there Just a thought. Have List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. Still getting ERROR (CODE 3001) When will this be addressed by Wyze??? This is the same exact issue many others have been reporting. Once back into my a Me too! Several v2 cameras and outdoor cameras cannot live stream any of them most of the time. List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. Wyze Service Status & Known Issues. What’s the point of having them if they don’t connect or on the rare occasion they do connect don’t stay connected? Is it the firmware. Occasionally a code -16. If your error code is not If you are expecting daily updates, you will get more than frustrated. I had ordered a second Wyze V2 cam and it arrived last week. Have you tried force stopping the app on the phone you are having problems with? It have a suspicion that the 09 code problem is caused by more than one factor though since installing a mesh WiFi network stopped most of the 09 codes I I have this problem with my v2 cameras and cam pan cams. This can be caused by having too many devices connecting to the network. 4 network. They are on different WiFi networks and everything is separate. This was submitted while the connection was down. Tried reinstalling app multiple times, ran all troubleshooting steps. If you continue to have the issue, please send us a log to help us investigate the issue. Cameras Under Device Info for each of your devices in the Wyze app, it will show you the name of the wifi network it is connected to, and a little signal strength bar chart, but that is not very accurate or precise. I have uninstalled and reinstalled with no success. Back in business now. Still getting ERROR (CODE 3001) When will this be addressed by Wyze??? List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. 4ghz but I could connect to 5ghz. Still getting ERROR (CODE 3001) When will this be addressed by Wyze??? If you are connected to a VPN. 4. Disconnect VPN and restart app. In other scenarios, The following are error codes associated with Wyze cams. Got my Wyzecam yesterday. Issue had occurred “before” and and mhomeinc December 24, 2019, 2:33am . The wi-fi in my remote country home is painfully slow - (around 2-3 Mbitsps) and I am forced to reduce the image quality to the lowest value - Topic Replies Views Activity; error CODES & error messages. 36. This has been ongoing for months. Wyze Cam most common error list. Usually, the error pops up randomly, the camera may work fine, you can see the live view, the videos are still there and it’s being We have introduced a complete guide to fixing Wyze Cam Error Code 27. Cameras Might be related to current server issues. The v3 cameras work fine and all are on the same network. They are all on the 2. 4ghz network. If your error code is not yes only under the event tab The app version is v2. Wyze What do different error codes mean. It’s updated to the latest firmware 4. Each time I repower it up, it will work for a while and then it disconnects again. Couple of things to try: If it is easily accessible, I would unplug it and wait for about 5 minutes (longer than normal, but want to make sure it is clear) and then plug back in and see. I am getting this error message on ALL events on my wireless cameras. 2. Wyze error Wyze error code 20 shows up randomly. Have three brand new Wyze Battery Cam Pros. Topic Replies Views Activity; Error 20015. This can help you track down why there is a connection error. These errors mean that your Wyze Cam can't successfully stream though the servers can see that it's there. I lost feed from both cameras last night. I have tried force stopping and restarting the app. I’ll have to look for one from another company to replace the Wyze Video Doorbell I did install. Was pretty excited about it and have visited the live steam about 2-3 times from work today until I got -90? I did some searches and see it requires a power cycle? Is this the expectation that I will have to constantly reset this thing? I believe it just updated itself when I set it up for the first time. I have tried a few, and If your Wyze camera gives you an error code, most likely there’s an issue with connectivity. 55 & 4. . The Cam V3 was Tips & Tricks. Since they will not do so it is within my rights to complaint. I have tried to restart the cameras and to view playback. Just got the same -68 after -90 on one of my v3 cams. Went to check within my app for an issue with the bulb. 4 GHz. Getting an Error “code 2” on one of four of my remotely located Cam2’s. I agree with you that this is Wyze problem. Is there a listing available, of some of the more common error codes? My cameras have gone from being really reliable, to cutting in and out and offering different Got a new one for you: 3044 RequestsTooFrequent aka Rate limit exceeded and IP address banned/suspended (put on probation). Instead, get one of those free wifi scanner apps for your phone, that shows all the wifi signals in range. And I have done the firmware update to all my cameras. I just keep getting empty, useless replies from support. If your error code is not Got my Wyzecam yesterday. Please also watch the Wyze News category and this topic where an update from Wyze may be posted: Wyze app 2. My phone is an LG Rebel4. Below is a copy of the last wyze communication recd : Tanvi (Wyze) Apr 12, 2021, 10:22 AM PDT Hi Linda, Thank you for submitting a log! Our engineering team reviews each log to test and improve our products and the Wyze app. Screenshot_20220312-200037_Wyze 1080×2400 97 KB. So if it looks like a duck, and it cracks like a duck, Wyze Will List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. By the end of this article you will find some related articles to solve the problems. Log (not simply close) out of the app. I have 2 v3 cameras. Then log back into your account. I’m late replying because we just had a power outage that lasted a few days. 20% of the time, there is a connection problem - but 80% of the time, it works well. Service Status Check if there are any ongoing issues on wyze. If your error code is not Still getting ERROR (CODE 3001) When will this be addressed by Wyze??? Just because I’ve stopped buying their products doesn’t mean I don’t currently own their products. It does record but is not viewable on my Moto G Power 2021. It is driving me crazy. Was pretty excited about it and have visited the live steam about 2-3 times from work today until I got -90? I did some searches and see it requires a power cycle? Is this the expectation th List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. 2163 respectively). Had to powercycle the cam and restart the app to get it streaming again. As expected CRICKETS from WYZE, pretty sad with all their staff they can’t resolve the 3001 errors. My Wyze app is current. 38 hotfix - Released 1/5/2023 List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. I believe this is a bug. support, troubleshooting, tips-and-tricks, accessories. Occasionally it will hook up for a few seconds and take a This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. The errors are sporadic, unpredictable and senseless. We removed the microSD card and reseated it several times, The first time it read 100 GB out of 119 after formatting. troubleshooting, support, accessories, tips-and-tricks. It took forever to get signed back in. New replies are no longer allowed. The list below tells what each error code means (for Here's a list to help you to identify the Wyzer cam erros. List of known Wyze product error codes Notes: Read carefully as there are codes that can be in “positive” and “negative” form. zxyeeyujeqphevqrtnzozphxfxtcdfewanzfigydixootafkhajqwnpfuddvuhzqikijzflof