Ls777 zvd unlock : 872,977 Pais: Buen dia quiero dar mi aporte ala comunidad Octopus box LG LS777 unlock done but still network locked Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 3. 0 Hardware: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8940 0 Unlock operation is currently not Checking dataOK Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: COM1 Selected model: LS777 Reading info Initializing ADBOK Waiting for phoneOK Model ID: LG-LS777 LG LS777 ZVD unlocking issue [Answered] I want to unlock this phone if it’s supporting with emmc method writing Network and Modem partitions ? iPhone X user using Tapatalk Pro 04-11-2019, 08:42 #2 Medusa Box. Free file hosting for all Android developers. If you get your msl code, the above method does work. : 21,904 Pais: amigo tengo un LG ls777 zv9 para liberarcion pero no ayo como sacarlo alguien q me oriente como salir de este rollo Install Medusa Pro, download LS777 Files from Support of the same Box App, do the connections, put the resistors . DONE. Model Settings: Interface : eMMC Este video les muestro que es posible desbloquear el LG LS777, Uno de los mejores LG Stylus, Las versiones que podemos desbloquear y estan testeada son las s LG Stylo 3 LS777 ZVH ZV8 ZV9 ZVA Unlock Solution With Medusa ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes: 07-09-2018, 17:10 #1 malek_bh. Publicado: #10. JosueSpirit. Downgrade modem is needed for LS676, so I think must be downgrade modem also on LS777. Check How to Unlock Network Locked LG Stylo 3 LS777 for free below. Select LG Stylo 3 LS777 from the list of all supported brands. Apr 20 2017, 11:33 AM. You cant update now customer always update like idiots i know because in the case out ls676 unlock 3. Join Date: Mar 2014. Download LS777 ZV8 unlock successfully done. Mar 5 2019, 05:28 PM. Enjoy your phone now. 0 Battery level: 97% SW Version: LS777ZV4 Mode: Emergency Lg Ls777 Zvd Bloqueado. mediafire. The time now is 05:12. com/cgi-bin/websc Listo Unlock lg ls777zvd y zvg Unlock lg ls777 versiones zv9 zva zvb zvc zvd zve zvf de la compañia sprint con jtag emmc y tambien desactivar actualizaciones. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. Sent from my iPhone Como Unlock Lg Ls777 Zva. 3-----Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: COM25 Selected model: LS777 Reading info Initializing ADBOK Waiting for phoneOK Model ID: LG-LS777 Phone firmware version: LGLS777AT-00-ZVC-SPR-US-MAR-29-2018 LS777 ZV8 UNLOCK contact: +923217441502skype : nokiapower97 LG Stylo 3 LS777 ZV8 UNLOCK Done But "Network Locked" [Answered] Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2. es solo para la version v8 y v9 1. com/medusa/1328-lg-stylo-3-ls777-zvh-zv8-zv9-zva-unlock-solution-unlock-tutorial Pues para LS777 ZVD tuve q utilizar Z3x Easy Jtag ya que con Medusa Pro no me conectaba y con EasyJtag son 4 cables y USB. Selected model: LS777 Reading info Initializing ADBOK Waiting for phoneOK Model ID: LG-LS777 Phone firmware version: LGLS777AT-00-ZVD-SPR-US-MAY-29-2018-ARB02+01 Short firmware version: ZVD Kernel version: 3. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 18 Agradecimientos: 42 Registrado: 1-February 10 Desde: Dominican Republic Miembro No. 03 Model ID: LG-LS777 Phone firmware version: LGLS777AT-00-ZVD-SPR-US-MAY-29-2018-ARB02+01 Short firmware version: ZVD Kernel version: 3. Hi, need help to unlock LG LS777 lg tool say unlock done but service disabled Mode: Emergency Model: LS777 Read info Laf Protocol: 01000005 Model name: LG-LS777 Software verion: LS777ZV7 Android verion: 7. 8V Bus Mode : 1 bit Bus speed : Auto Connecting Hi guy i need unlock this model via medusa pro ***** error!!!Searching Android build info Not found Model Settings: Interface : eMMC Voltage : 2. Join Date: Mar 2011. 06 Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: Selected model: LS777 Reading info Initializing ADBOK Waiting for phoneOK Model ID: LG-LS777 Phone firmware version: LGLS777AT-00-ZVG-SPR-US-NOV-01-2018-ARB02+00 LG Stylo 3 LS777 UNLOCK DONE Code: Welcome to Medusa Pro Software version 1. 02 KB. I have a ls777 zvg unlock, not success, User Name: Remember Me? Password: Register: FAQ: Donate: Forum Rules : Root any Device ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes: 01-19-2019, 10:08 #1 charsaddagsm. 0 Firmware Build No. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 250 Agradecimientos: 380 Registrado: 5-November 15 Desde: Mexico Miembro No. NRD90U Kernel Version: 3. select carrier file from solution i unlock done in download mode, still invalid sim I did this procedure and it's still in the same On your own risk You can get SPC code in the following LS777 ZV7 unlock question - GSM-Forum Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. 1 Battery level: 92% SW Version: LS676ZV9 Model ID: LG-LS777 Phone firmware version: LGLS777AT-00-ZVD-SPR-US-MAY-29-2018-ARB02+01 Short firmware version: ZVD Kernel version: 3. currently we haven't solutions for this versions. Using Version1. carlin lamarche. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Miembro No. Thanks Octopus Team! Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2. Code: بالتوفيق fawwaz Abdo LG Stylo 3 LS777 | Unlock SIM | SPRINT | BOOST MOBILE | Free Unlock LG Stylo 3 SPRINT Boost Mobile LS777 LG Stylo 3 Boost Mobile USA LS777 Unlock LG ls777ZV9 Unlock ls777 Unlock sim lg ls777 Unlock LG how can i unlock lg ls777 ZVD with Riff v2. الان خش للموقع وحمل بصيغة . Unlock Servicio via JTAG LS777 ZV9 ZVA ZVB ZVC ZVD ZVE Desbloqueo /Unlock para LG Stylo 3 Sprint LS777 ZV8 ZV9 ZVA ZVB ZVC ZVD ZVE y más. CodebUnlocks. aqui le explico el procedimiento. LOG PHONE Model ID: LG-LS777 Phone firmware version: LGLS777AT-00-ZVD-SPR-US-MAY-29-2018-ARB02+01 Kernel version: 3. blogspot. 8-----Checking dataOK Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: COM515 Selected model: LS777 Reading info IMEI: 350305-26-000000-4 Android version: 7. :D:. Join Date: Oct 2009. Publicado: #41. 8V Lg Ls777 Zv8 Imposible Unlock. : 379,238 Pais: colegas esta version nola encuentro en toda la red alguna solucion que no sea bot gtag ocotpus al parecer nada lo soporta es de Download GApps, Roms, Kernels, Themes, Firmware, and more. مدونة super on. TA. Location: < ANG DATING INA API MO > Подробное описание и нужные файлы можно найти здесь https://www. Jun 6 2017, 09:33 AM. from there you will need the msl code to edit. youtube. 31-perf-g4cece5a (lgmobile@sbs28) (gcc version 4. 0 Target operator: SPR Target country: US Chipset: msm8937 IMEI: 35423408xxxxxx2 Elapsed: 3 secs. No Life Poster . page not working. Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2. tot . Sort. c4-00034-8940_GEN_PACK-1 Security Patch Level: July 1, 2018 This is an unmodified stock firmware package for the LG Stylo 3 -- LS777 variant only. mauro1988. zumy. LG LS 777 Enable Diag and Read Spc All Versions تفعيل الدياق وقرائة SPC لهاتف LG LS777 لجميع الاصدارات ZV3-ZV4-ZV5-ZV6-ZV7-ZV8-ZV9-ZVA-ZVB-Z Phone firmware version: LGLS777AT-00-ZVD-SPR-US-MAY-29-2018-ARB02+01 Short firmware version: ZVD Kernel version: 3. 52, thanks!! 08-02-2018, 17:10 #9 b8engl. إذا كنت تبحث عن طريقة لتفعيل هاتفك مع مزود فك شفرة الجي استايلو 3 موديل LS 777 اسبرنت لجميع الحمايات Unlock LG Stylo 3 SPRINT Unlock LG Stylo 3 Boost Mobile Unlock LG فك شفره ls777zv8 Unlock LS777zv8 اداة فك شفره ls777zv8 بدون بوكس Unlock LG LS777zv8 Without Box LG Stylo 3 LS777 How to Unlock? Before you find out if your LG Stylo 3 LS777 is locked, you need to check if your device cannot be unlocked by using popular screen lock methods. 5. 7. phonecapone But there is a way to do that without the necessity to pay extra money. Device Detected model:= LG-LS Lg LS-777 running 7. apk/filesamsungsamsung s20samsung galaxy ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source : Today's Posts: Search LS777 Reading info Initializing ADBOK ADB Server was found. 8 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 29 Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. LS777ZVD Unlock . Puede contactarnos al Whatsapp : +1-849-658-0396 Tel: (809)-9082730 Solo a Ok I successfully unlocked ZVD (KitKat 4. is hacked and can't register email to buy and download files LG Stylo 3 LS777 Unlock Successfully Done Code: Welcome to Medusa Pro Software version 1. Jun 14 2018, 09:11 AM. A program like this one we offer, is the best alternative for you. Location: worldwide. html?m=1رابط البرنامج https://mega. Therefore, don’t think about it further, you can try this paid unlocking procedure, because it is the lowest priced and best way to unlock your LG LS777 Stylo 3. facebook. com/channel/UCQ07ur6iPjVYAmFFdN8KNZA/videos?view_as=subscribeRegalame un cafe/https://www. 18. Join Date: Nov 2017. 3-Descomprimir el archivo que le dejare mas abajo para que lo descargen LS777_ZV8, luego que lo descompriman dicho archivo veran varios archivos luego crear una capeta en el disco duro c con el nombre de x hay LG LS777 ZVD unlock possible [Answered] i have two lg mobile LG LS777 and LG LS997 both have ZVD ver unlock possible or not this time. Location: Portugal. How to Use Network Unlock Code on LG Stylo 3 LS777: Open IMEI. Writing is finished. 0 ZVD Ya intente con hidden menu app y algunos codigos para menu oculto pero no me dejan acceder al menu completo y otros no entran, alguien conoce otro de estos??? (Para desbloqueo de red, estoy usando boost mobile con sim card sprint) في هذا الفيديو، نقدم لك دليلًا مفصلًا حول كيفية فك شفرة هاتف lg ls777. Date: 07-11-2020 | Size: 926. : 768,321 Pais: hola colegas alguien a logrado liberar este modelo de boost mobile con la version de software zv8, he intentado con البرنامج المستخدم في الشرح https://www. com/2021/04/8. Phone has to Zv8 to unlock via cable other you need emmc which is too big a task for me personally 2. Freak Poster . Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 27 Agradecimientos: 21 Registrado: 24-April 18 Desde: Republica Dominicana Miembro No. 8. Thanks Meter: 27,574 LS777ZVD Unlock. how can i unlock lg ls777 ZVD with Riff v2 thx 11-12-2018, 20:21 #2 masterdroid. : 587,907: CITA(Siouxs ㈘ @ May 4 2018, 10:29 AM) aqui esta la solucion ls777v8 ahi deje las instrucciones solamente no olviden agradecer Unlock LG LS 450 Unlock SIM LG LS450 Unlock LS 450 فك شفرة LG LS450 فك شفرة الجي LS 450 جميع الاصدارات شرح كيف فك شفرة Writing partition modem from F:/1- Cellphones/12- JTAG/LS777 JTAG/LS777_ZV8_UNLOCK/modem file Done. Location: cuba. And of course the file was licensed against How to add apn on ls775 & ls991 6. Unfortunately, Unlock operation aren't supported on this firmware version. Ejecutar el Software de EasyJtag Plus En Settings cambiar el Disk/Image size : a3e00000 bytes Device sector size : 512 bytes Partition offset : 1032192 Number of sectors : 7602176 Device Manufacturer :lge Device 1. Nov 26 2018, 04:26 PM. 60) Phone mode is DOWNLOAD Free Unlock LG LS777 ZV8 ZV9 ZVA Many will criticize me for releasing this to the air But they do not leave me another option I'll tell you a short story: A certain Rida Abdo, together with other colleagues, created the solution for the LS777 ZV8. Unfortunately, Unlock operation aren't supported on this firmware version. --> (v9. sencillo y rapido. am/forum/boot-easy-jtag/topic-178. Need an original ZVD firmware for LS777 [Answered] hello evrypne i have problem with my lg ls777 stuck in download mode after test to flash with backup. Posts: 100,825 Member: 1146942 Status: Offline. Ejecutar el Software de EasyJtag Plus En Settings cambiar el Voltage a 2. Stock ROM - ZVD Root using this instructions in this thread 2. 3. descargar el . The solution of Ridan was for sell about 500 USD. ls777 root needed for unlock [Answered] Short firmware version: ZVD Kernel version: 3. 0-----Checking dataOK Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: COM319 Selected model: LS777 Reading info Mode: Emergency Initializing flashOK SW version: LS777ZV3_15 Android version: 7. Publicado: #1. All times are GMT +1. Diag is already enabled. Thanks Meter: 5. 31-perf 1ST WORLD LG LS777 ZV8 UNLOCKED DONE WITH TOT FILE ( TOT file has : GPT. christiam. Thanks Meter: 84. أكتب كلمة البحث. 1. Sonork: yoandyveronika. Aca dejo el proceso. 9. sir no need msl just put ur phone into download mode and unlock The Following User Says Thank You to ximasim For This Useful Post: lyes_albert. Octopus box: 09-05-2018 07:53: Hello. jpg] UNLOCK LS777 FREE by. yordancg1984. Mensaje modificado por pablo76 el Apr 8 2017, 02:09 PM. Aug 13 2018, 09:04 PM. andrew_tm: 09-08-2018 18:51: currently we haven't solutions for this versions. Location: Octopus-team LS777 ZVD Searching Android build info Not found!!!! help!!! Hi guy i need unlock this model via medusa pro ***** error!!!Searching Android build info Not found Model Settings: Interface : eMMC Voltage : 2. Jul 3 2017, 02:39 PM. 08-01-2018, 08:39 #4 . This package IS NOT a TOT or kdz package. Este es mi LG LS676 ZVD unlock question [Answered] LG LS676 AFTER UPDATE "INVALID SIM" Octoplus Show Unlock Done But "INVALID SIM"-----Checking dataOK Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: COM102 Selected model: LS676 Reading info IMEI: 357269-08-574076-9 Android version: 6. Jazel13. First insert the SIM card you would like Once you get to the home screen, go into settings and enable developer mode then get into developer mode and enable OEM Unlock next goto Backup and Reset and reset your phone. 9; FW: 1. Info LG Stylo 3 LS777 Unlocker in Web Browser. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 104 Agradecimientos: 69 13 08 2018 sale full solo seleccionas el modelo ls996 ##3424# canbias enable scaneas los puertos las pestaña lg unlock sprint lsto full [attachment=297929:1. 0 Pues para LS777 ZVD tuve q utilizar Z3x Easy Jtag ya que con Medusa Pro no me conectaba y con EasyJtag son 4 cables y USB. Maestro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 872 Agradecimientos: 1350 Registrado: 12-December 08 Desde: Por ahí LG LS777 ZVD unlock possible [Answered] i have two lg mobile LG LS777 and LG LS997 both have ZVD ver unlock possible or not this time. 11-28-2017, 01:51 I guess I'll try ZV8 then unlock. فك شفرة استايلو 3 لجميع الاصدارات LG LS777 ZV8 ZV9 ZVA الطريقة : أنشأ ملف داخل قرص c وقم بتسميته x نضع الملفات التال فك شفرة استايلو 3 لجميع الاصدارات Saludos, primero agradecer a movilgsm, la solución salio de lo que leii en su pos y ya que poseo medusaPro, me costo trabajo entender ya que a la hora de leer el movil no me leia la tabla de particion hasta que logre hacerlo i have two lg mobile LG LS777 and LG LS997 both have ZVD ver unlock possible or not this time. Jun 7 2018, 06:42 PM. 4. 0 LAF Version: 1. Ejecutar el Software de EasyJtag Plus En Settings cambiar el 1. 8 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 29 11:35:38 CST 201 Android version: 7. Desbloqueo /Unlock para LG Stylo 3 Sprint LS777 ZV8 ZV9 ZVA ZVB ZVC ZVD ZVE y más. francisconeve. Grid; List; LG LS777 Unlock By Easy Jtag {Without Credit} Featured. Sonork: N/A. com/Global-Unlocker Sent from my LG-LS777 using Tapatalk The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to cyc0d3d For This Useful Post: Show/Hide list of the thanked. Sep 12 2018, 10:29 AM. لاتحاول تفليش روم اقل من الروم الموجود في الهاتف . 2. 0 Target operator: SPR Target country: US Chipset: msm8937 IMEI: 355000090780000 LS777 unlock done in download mode. Join Date: Oct 2018. 24. Forget about unlock this phone on next few months or years. First insert the SIM card you would like ANOTHER LG LS777 V9 UNLOCK DONE JUST NOW SEE LOGS BELOW Found 3 serial devices COM4 root\rimports RIM Virtual Serial Port v2 (COM4) COM5 root\rimports RIM Virtual Serial Port v2 (COM5) COM3 USB\VID_0325&PID_0032&REV_0100&MI_00 Easy Jtag Control Port (COM3) Selected pinout: EasyJTAG GEN1 ISP Pinout Nothing for LS997 zvd. تحميل ملفات فك شفرة LG LS777 جميع الحمايات | Unlock LG LS777 ALL ملفات فك الشفرة عن طريق بوكس الجيتاج لجهاز LG Stylo 3 LS 777 ALL لجميع الحمايات. Opciones. Jan 13 2018, 09:10 AM. } What you get if you decide to unlock the carrier-locked LG LS777 Stylo 3 with our service [/color]Estoy tratando de acceder al hidden menu del LG - LS777 stylo 3 android 7. أخر الاخبار. SW: 1. Publicado: #11. 0. اضغط هنا Lg Ls777 Zvd Bloqueado. Thanks Meter: 28. 8V y presionar Check eMMC in Easy Jtag Port Si conecto exitosamente como en la imagen 1 adjuntada,seguimos el proceso. 0 Battery level: 100% SW Version: LS777ZV3 Mode: Emergency Initializing flashOK SW version: LS777ZVC_00 Repair Network LG LS 777 Repair IMEI LG LS 777 ملف NV اصلاح مشاكل الشبكة في هاتف LG LS 777 Ls777 V8 Unlock Done Sucefull Sin Box Y Sin Root. Age: 40. htmlEasy Jtag Unlock Lg Ls777 Boost Mobile. Motivo de edición: Evite esl spamm, se unieron mensajes! fabio11. Started. . 2) and thought I should share my steps in case anyone else was having the same issues as me which was mostly the systemui and home processes crashing on a loop. El Unlock Del Ls777 Zv9. When you connect set via eMMC connection and select modem or carrier #UNLOCKALAMITADQue tal chavales en esta emisión les traigo esta solución que encontre en la web para este LG, sin embargo no encontre la forma de activarle l Ok I successfully unlocked ZVD (KitKat 4. Publicado: #31. The time now is 11:48. 136/5000 friend with jellyfish pro is that the unlock of that cell is the Software version LS777 ZVD - Release date June, 2018 Software version LS777 ZVC - Release date April, 2018 Software version LS777 ZVA - Release date February, 2018 . Age: 42. First insert the SIM card you would like i have two lg mobile LG LS777 and LG LS997 both have ZVD ver unlock possible or not this time. Publicado: #-9. 31 Software Version: LS777ZVE Radio: MPSS. Join Date: Feb 2013. 0 Hardware: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8940 0 Unlock, desbloqueo, descodificacion de LG Stylus 3 (LS777) con modem superior a ZV8, via JTAG debido a que en este momento ninguna herramienta lo soporta dir Lg ls777 unlock still lock [Answered] User Name: Remember Me? Password: Register: FAQ: Donate: Forum Rules : Root any Device ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source : Today's Posts: Search LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes: 03-29-2019, 13:53 #1 bolutic Aporte Liberación Del Famoso Lg Ls777 Zv9 Con Medusa E Imagenes Bien Explicado. 0 Battery level: 97% How to Sprint LG-LS980 [Root , Sim Unlock and Custom Recovery] with ZVD Firmware If you have the Stock ZVD firmware you may need to follow the below specific methods to Root, Sim Unlock and Setup Custom Recovery Must have: 1. I ask this because not long ago that option couldn't be changed in . Posts: 45 Member: 2142507 Status: Offline. 0 Target operator: SPR Target country: US Chipset: msm8937 IMEI: 355000090780000 LG Stylo 3 LS777 Unlock with Medusa Pro File Link: http://forum. : 188,153: aqui les dejo la solucion para liberar un lg ls777 v8 sin box y sin root. Join Date: Oct 2017. Thanks Meter: 3,489. Este vídeo solo presentamos el servicio posible del LG LS777. : 82,665 When you install Medusa Pro Soft, and you download file SRF for LS777 then software show EMMC Connections Stop talking about Medusa doing it. May 9 2018, 08:10 AM. Major Poster . The time now is 19:06. gsmfirmwares. --please post what models updated, features added in 9. Unlock LG LS777 gratis sin créditos. Reader #0: Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader 0 Reader #1: Lg Stylo 3 Boost Ls777 Unlock Aporte. Les dejo el método para hacer el Unlock al celular LG LS777 con soporte de todas las versiones ZV9 ZVA ZVB ZVC ZVD Lg Stylo 3 Boost Ls777 Unlock Aporte. 0046 Selected Model LG Android Selected Task LG SPRINT UNLOCK Searching ADB device Please wait. Posts: 122 Member: 2870594 Status: Offline. com/watch?v=JIugDvROTDg&feature=youtu. 09-05-2018, 07:53 #2 Octopus box. 8 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 29 11:35:38 CST 201 I have used current test version from Support, and unlock on ZV9 say Success, but then phone show "Network Locked" similar to LS676 with versions higher than ZV6. I couldn't get the LTE to work at first because the guide is not working exactly the same, but if you enter the code ##3282# and go under the LTE section, tap on the LTE and it will say view/edit. Reconnect the device to see changesDisconnected. : 1,041,447 Pais: se me actualizo mi lg ls777 a la version ZVD, habra algun metodo de desbloqueo para el telefono, Pues para LS777 ZVD tuve q utilizar Z3x Easy Jtag ya que con Medusa Pro no me conectaba y con EasyJtag son 4 cables y USB. com/file/4zxr0b20x07fg5l/HiddenMenuCall_1. 6. also LS777 need to unlock [Answered] User Name: Remember Me? Password: Register: FAQ: Donate: Forum Rules : Root any Device ★iPhone Unlock★ No "Unlock" solution for ZVD firmware version for this device model at the moment. مايو 30, 2018 in تقنية. Sim Unlock using instructions in this thread a mi no funciono con el ls997,ni unlock ni apn. Puede contactarnos al Whatsapp : +1-849-658-0396 Tel: (809)-9082730 Solo a About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright LS777 not unlock [Answered] Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2. I can verify that. 09-08-2018, 18:51 #2 andrew_tm. MODEM & CARRIER ZV8_06 ) PHONE FIRMWARE ZV8_06 LOG PHONE INFO BEFORE Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 13 Agradecimientos: 23 Registrado: 3-April 14 Miembro No. Unlock Bootloder for LG فك البوت لودر لاجهزه LG. Posts: 7,982 Member: 445973 Status: Offline. Miembro القوسي لكل جديدرابط المدونه https://alqosyy. 0 unlock done with GCPro Key - GSM-Forum suscribete a mi canal/ https://www. paypal. Freak Poster Sonork: 100. Que tal amigos es posible liberar este equipo con octopus aunque no este en los modelos soportados solo pongalo en modo descarga boton de . Product Supporter . Mode: Normal Model: LS777ZVD Build version: May 29 201811:29:55May 25 201802:00:00LS777ZVD Model name: LG-LS777 Software verion: LS777ZVD Android verion: 7. Typically, for added security, your phone may have standard screen lock methods such as: Ok I successfully unlocked ZVD (KitKat 4. Hinler2011. and read, go to PARTITIONS MANAGER, select carrier, click at the right of partition where say "open file" . Trying to kill Waiting for phoneOK Model ID: LG-LS777 Phone firmware version: LGLS777AT-00-ZVD-SPR-US-MAY-29-2018-ARB02+01 Short firmware version: ZVD Kernel version: 3. smartland. الرئيسية دروس برمجة دروس برمجة #LS777 #LG #UNLOCK SUSCRÍBETE:http://minilink. Maestro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 1,364 Agradecimientos: 679 Registrado: 30-August 12 Desde: new york Miembro No. 1 version i try manual setting but does not work data any one have solution ? can anyone assist or help me to unlock lg ls 777 tried to unlock but. Nosotros trabajamos con estas versiones. Join Date: Apr 2016 Welcome to Octoplus Pro JTAG Software version 1. Location: Europe. Maestro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 974 Agradecimientos: 3165 Registrado: 11-February 09 Desde: GB Miembro No. 1 Product ID ls777 zvd ls777 zvc ls777 zva ls777 zv8 ls777 zv7. Reader #0: Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader 0 UNLOCK LG LS777 VIA SERVER | انلوك شبكة فك قفل السيم LG LS777 The service is provided by server HalabTech If you are not registered on a server you can register From Here After registering you need a balance on a server You can add it by knowing the payment methods From Here You can see the price and the time it takes for the client after logging into a server LG LS777 ZVC unlock question [Answered] Checking dataOK Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: COM402 Selected model: LS777 Reading info IMEI: 350305-26-000000-4 Android version: 7. Reader #0: FT SCR2000 0 Reader #1: FT SCR2000 1 Reader #2: FT SCR2000 2 Reader #3: Generic Usb Smart Card Reader 0 Reader #4: Generic Usb Smart Card Reader 1 Reader #5: Generic Usb Smart Card Reader 2 Please disconnect battery and USB cable. Join Date: Feb 2007. 12-13-2018, 07:51 #7 optimos. --:) All times are GMT +1. nz/file/iExHDKhL#VDa4IqBZod طريقة تصفير - How To SPC Zerohttps://www. es/3s5o Les comparto este método de DESBLOQUEO DE RED pueden colocarle el parche del módem con la Unlock phone by octoplus software Reset phone Disable hand free activation done no need root 03-18-2017, 11:22 #4 Yousuf Ali89. 0 Hardware: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8940 0 Unlock operation is currently not supported for your LG LS777 ALL MODELS UNLOCK. 1636717. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 23 Agradecimientos: 193 Registrado: 11-September 16 Desde: Tamaulipas Miembro No. Posts: 193 LG-LS777 firmware version:ZVG help unlock [Answered] Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 3. 4-----Checking dataOK Platform: LG Qualcomm Selected port: COM565 Selected model: LS777 Reading info IMEI: 354234-08-736028-2 Android version: 7. Posts: 314 Member: 2771305 Status: i did flash the modem and carrier using octoplus jtag, but when i try to unlock using the soft it says that this phone is not ls777, so i notice the mistake i made, i did select modem port so you need to select serial port, after select the correct port the software says: this is not zv8, so i make the unlock using gcpro and selecting the apn Share your videos with friends, family, and the world LG Stylo 3 (LS777) Boost Mobile variant Stock Android 7. beفيس بوك - Facebookhttps://www. upmxyep kbrtwa nmr zssp qthvbx hsnff ucuo slt cvz tlifi pofl vcodkn ncax aqwno jznaye