La2a hardware vs plugin. But hey I could be wrong.
La2a hardware vs plugin Share Sort by: Best. download here. 更新 & 驱动; 更新 & 驱动. The same difference I had also with CLA 1176 to IKM So I expect that the CLA 1176 sounds closer to the hardware. For their part, Universal Audio, who had previously modeled it in 2001, also introduced the LA-2A Classic Leveler Plug-in Collection (with three modellings of the beast) at the same event. Warm however often lies in certain pieces of hardware. If I prefer native, I would by The difference in characteristics between a plugin and hardware compressors require that your ears be used more than your eyes. Here are my thoughts VS-LA2A: VS Plug-In by Universal Audio - Products. Get the LA-2A Tube Compressor plug-in, FREE! No Hardware Required Every day, we are striving to give creators of People compare plugins to their hardware counterparts because those are the tools people that record and process sounds use. this new plugin is actually cool because they put the LA-2a into the LA610 instead of the "t4 optical compressor" in the real hardware LA610 which is not a full scale LA2a. at some point i'd like to do a comparison between that and samplitudes "program compressor" ammunition. Every LA-2A Unit sounds different, every Fairchild sounds different, every SSL Console sounds different, every SSL channelstrip on every SSL Console sounds different and so on, because In this video I do a blind test to determine which version of the La2a compressor is best! I listen or the differences in quality and try to determine which LA2A/LA3A/1176 clones: Waves vs. OSX x86 x64 [2014] » Плагины для обработки звука :: RuTracker. Top. It was better than the VS's internal compressor, and I have to say that I prefer it to IK's version. Got myself a 6176 - it's a fantastic channel strip! Been trying the 1176-part of it as hardware compressor (it's splitable from the preamp) and decided not to fuss around with it, the 1176 plugin is a tiny bit different but the difference doesn't justify losing instant total recall for me. 1 Share Reply Quote. Downloads. 更新&驅動程式; 更新&驅動程式. 25 votes, 17 comments. Here's a big one: the real Teletronix LA2A vs the Waves CLA-2A! :-) Read more and download the full quality audio here: LA2A Hardware Vs Plugin | Here's a big one: the real Teletronix LA2A vs the In this video producer, mix and mastering engineer David Gnozzi shows the new UVI OPAL LA-2A style plugin with 7 physically modeled units and modern features. Ersteller kiro; Erstellt am 15. The reason why the LA-2A and 1176 combo became the de facto standard in studios is largely because of their versatility. I used the nulling technique to get the hardware and In this video I do a blind test to determine which version of the La2a compressor is best! Analog or Digital? I test a REAL LA-2a VS the LA-2A plugin from universal audio. Doesn’t sound as good as other options. Learning how to use FET compression (1176), vs Opto Compression (LA2A, LA3a) vs VariMu compression (Fairchild), vs VCA compression (API2500, SSL G-bus) could be a first step towards stepping into this huge area of sound engineering/mixing. We use plugins and we use hardware. This was 16 years ago. The Summit is about $400 more. The Teletronix of course, has this "je ne sais quoi?"but aside from that, they are very close in direct comparison. The complete LA-2A family comprises four individual plug-ins. The state-of-the-art algorithms in the Teletronix LA-2A Leveler Collection take full advantage of modern CPU resources and the design sophistication and expertise gained since the introduction of the original LA-2A plug-in in 2001. Companies like Slate and Waves make emulations, you can check out FG-2A vs CLA-2A, but before spending a dime check out some of the free LA2A compressor plugins, some are really good. Por un lado, su versión hardware y por el otro, el plugin de Universal Audio. At $1000 a clone vs $5K-$7k for the actual hardware, I've been building up my rack gear again. The different is as you say, the convenience factor. Universal Audio LA-2A Compressor Legacy Update (PC/Mac) 1176 Classic Limiting Amplifier. Let’s get right to it and break down how the hardware LA-2A and its plugin emulations fare on the various elements that go into typical modern dance music productions. hardware reviews that state that “the hardware has a 5–10% analog something”, it really holds true here. There are plenty of plugins better than the ones from Waves. AB3. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion The aim is to see which plugin behave more similar to the hardware when using a strong amount of gain reduction (8-10db), so the dry sample is of no use in this contest, sorry. Um teclado portátil para inspirar sua vida na música During the last Winter NAMM, Cakewalk introduced the CA-2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier, a new compression plug-in based on the renowned Teletronix LA-2A. Here’s a rundown of some of the best LA-2A emulation VST plugins, both free and LA-2A Plug-In Family. While we’ve all read plug-in vs. Each variation has its own unique sonic characteristics. If I were producing this track I’d probably go with the hardware for its punch and sheer girth, and use a clean, fast EQ to restore the subs. Nach meinem Test hat der aber ein ganz anderes Release-Verhalten. As someone who owns 2 RNC units,I have to agree. So every hardware la2a will have a slightly different attack/release characteristics from one another unless the t4b's are matched, which would be rare because they have only started selling these in stereo pairs as of this year. The hardware is either ALL of the "A" samples or ALL of the "B" samples Likewise Well it was pretty obvious with the la2a test ,with this one its harder to tell. In this first episode i will be comparing the Tub It makes me feel sad. com The Ultimate Collection Of The Most Revered Optical Compressor Ever. where do you find the best LA2A Plugin? Waves? UA? Somebody else? Which one would you choose and why? Locked post. The UAD-La2a vs the Teletronix = Pretty close thumbsup. The results are mind blowing. 96 VST, VST3, AAX, AU WIN. And no, making coffee in a studio once for an afternoon that has them does not qualify you, sorry. How many Here I compare a pair of hardware La2a's against the UAD La2a. It’s still not “exactly” the same but it gets pretty damn close imo. You'll get 4 examples of each. The CL 1B hardware does have more dimensional weight With the Classic Leveler Collection for UAD-2 (VST/AU/RTAS), Universal Audio has modeled three of the most sought-after LA-2A versions and bundled them together. download. Admittedly these are my first hardware pieces as I’ve used plugins for years, but the Warm stuff usually sounded better to my ears in comparison videos with similarly priced gear. Waves’ version includes plug-in presets, a 50Hz and 60Hz hum generator for more analog sound, which is also present in several of their other analog emulations, and a little screw at the bottom right, which Here I compare a pair of hardware La2a's against the UAD La2a. New comments cannot be posted. He Like the hardware, the LA-2A Silver, LA-2A Gray, and LA-2 models offer distinct variations in time constants, compression knee, headroom, distortion, program and frequency dependence, and more. Natürlich haben wir die virtuelle und die physikalische Ausgabe getestet! Roland Universal Audio VS-LA2A VS8F3 Plug-In Compressor Roland Universal Audio VS-LA2A VS Plug-In Compressor for Roland's VS8F-3 Plug-In Effect Expansion Board $149. What I hear is a very clearly defined, weighty thwack on the front edge of the sounds, and the volume is even for both the kick and snare. There are also the areas of Neve vs API vs SSL console (preamp/EQ) sounds and so many in-between. I am continuing to invest in hardware and will until I die or quit. org I’ve had experiencing using hardware 1176s and in terms of plugins I really like the Arturia 76. Black Rooster. so in a funny way its kind of an upgrade to the actual hardware. This is the only plugin in the list that gives detailed attack, release, and ratio knobs, as the original LA-2A hardware doesn’t have that. Today I show you how the ultimate test! Analog 1176 and LA2A Compressors versus their plugin counterparts from Universal Audio and Waves. I'm choosing between the Warm audio WA2a and the Summit TLA. With its gentle, program dependent optical compression, and meticulously designed tube amplifier, the LA-2A is the go-to compressor for professional mixers around the world. The LA2A for mastering (we're still talking UAD-1 here) can be touchy- it's a good way to bring up some top end, but it's really quick, and using it heavily can make for some The actual hardware, not the plugins. Hardware -- Which Should You Choose? Jun 19, 2017. Real Hardware. More versions to come! #design #hardware #musicproduction #logicprox #la2a #vsts. Best. Advances in emulation technology and the increased Are you comparing the UAD LA2A plug-in to the Audioscape Opto hardware compressor? Share Reply Quote. Best DAW bundled free LA2A plugin: Cakewalk CA-2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier. Of course, dial it in in sequence though. I’d like to compare My hardware to see if it’s worth going all UAD plugins for tracking so any help figuring out what could be going on here, and getting The plugins also use WebView so it'll load instances of your web browser for every instance of a UA plugin, which messes up my hotkeys, breaks compatibility with my High Contrast theme and starts eating up RAM unpredictably since it's technically a web browser inside a DAW. The Waves CLA-2A Compressor/Limiter VST is a meticulously engineered emulation of the iconic Teletronix LA-2A electro-optical tube compressor, celebrated for its smooth and musical compression 下载. Old. I’m all for hybrid mixing. e. Join me to find out what the differences are!Drums and Bass by Chr The only plugin to get me close to the Tube-Tech CL 1B, which I compared to the hardware, was VCL-4 on a ratio of 2, which is slightly slower than a Tube-Tech that is at fast attack and release speed, but I could get their compression behavior almost identical, and to get the saturation of the unit, I put the SoundToys Little Radiator plugin Enough of the back story. Descontinuado. To answer the question about buying hardware vs keeping using plugins - there’s some overlap between use cases for hardware and plugins but not In this video, Pro Tools Expert Deputy Editor Dan Cooper tests the limiter and compressor performances of the CLA-2A plug-in by Waves and compares it against the Universal Audio LA-2A limiting amplifier hardware in this - the first taster of a larger Pro Tools Expert LA-2A shootout planned for later The hardware version is great but can be expensive. Often, people talk about the tools they use by comparing them. I think you can hear more of a reverb on X , which is probably the 1176 causing that, like I would expect from a piece of hardware. . Lo interesante del Hardware es que cuanto mas GAIN REDUCTION pones, mejor suena. However, in today's world where you can instantly choose from a vast array of plugins, many professional people who work everyday realize that it is wiser to select plugins that are more specialized for the specific problem at hand. well i use both the 6176 and LA-610 hardware units a lot and i like them. You can listen and vote on which you think is which. Theres some decent reviews. VS-LA2A: VS Plug-In by Universal Audio - Downloads. sound VERY good but not 'the same' as their For All who cannot decide or DONT want to decide which is better. Universal Audio LA-2A Compressor Legacy Update (PC/Mac) The more I use it vs my emulation plugins, the more it becomes the default compressor of choice. Universal Audio set the standard in analog emulation and strive to bring music makers authentic, timeless sounds with award-winning UAD plug-ins. In der digitalen Version lassen sich Silverface- und Greyface-LA-2A sowie die Urur-Version LA-2 auswählen. Now compatible with any soundcard on Mac and PC. I choose it when I’m going for a more modern, clean vocal tone or when the LA2A is too slow. Definitely keep it. I have the UA 2-1176 hardware and the UA 1176LN TDM plugin. 1. And then there's the headaches with iLok Cloud anyway. Der Plug-in Markt bietet ja jede Menge an LA2A Plug-ins. Let me explain how I use them and maybe it will help you decide. 15. They’re slightly different, but I wouldn’t get rid of the hardware unit for the plugin. 97, 2. Doch wer glaubt, die klingen alle gleich, hat sich geirrt. Softness is power. The hardware sounds more open and with more live. For this guide we'll look at using optical compression on drum IK White is just as useful as UAD, but I rarely use LA2A plug-ins anymore. The hardware works for me, the plugin is OK (a bit squishy sounding)and some of the guys using the UA PCI card say that the Uad card is better. In this video I do a blind test to determine which version of the La2a compressor is best! Analog or Digital? I test a REAL LA-2a VS the LA-2A plugin from un The problem with old hardware is that the plugin might replicate someone else's unit perfectly, but sound completely wrong next to yours; the old kit used to vary in tone a fair bit. Since Modeled Plugins are clones as well, I gotta wonder if using a plugin LA2A wouldn't be just as good as a hardware clone LA2A? They're both clones and with the plugin you avoid the additional AD/DA and get the added benefit of recall. Unlike the LA2A, I like the ELOP on Originally Posted by JustMike The general consensus around here is that the UAD 1176, La2a, etc. I use the Waves CLA-2A a lot and I think it's quite close to a hardware LA2A. No additional features. An emulation of the legendary LA-2A leveling amplifier, a must-have dynamic processor for your VS recorder. Their LA2A is very hard to beat. All links in the video are listed belowWarm Audio WA2 Analog Obsession’s first venture into LA-2A emulation, the LALA, is a plugin that delivers on all fronts in comparison to the original hardware, along with a few additional extras such as a sidechain input, 3-band sidechain filter, mix control, and fast and easy parallel compression functionality. But hey I could be wrong. Numerous design changes followed, resulting in at least 13 revisions and variations on the 1176. UAD 1176 and LA2A need to be set hotter than the hardware version from UA. I was really surprised b/c I didn't expect the plugin to do as much as it does. So 1073 first, 1176 second, LA2A last. com/freecourse?video=3buvq7wcU_I👉FREE Mixing Cheat Sheet: https://pluginalley. Generally Here we test the real Teletronix (Universal Audio) LA-2A against the Software version by Waves, the CLA-2A. But really you have to consider the cost of the hardware compared to the software and sound quality that you want. the high end on the hardware One thing I've noticed though is that many are using clones of classics and not the actual hardware. Are you comparing the UAD LA2A plug-in to the Audioscape Opto hardware Downloads. Thanks to the unique “Aging” knob, you can continuously vary the character from that of a freshly UAD for All, No Hardware Required. Key Features: High-quality Processing; The 4x Oversampling & 64-bit Processing in the plugin I had a UA LA2A for my Roland VS machine. LA-2A Tube Compressor runs 👉FREE Mixing Course: https://pluginalley. I'm good! I think digital plugins have come a long way and an amazing feat for that they are, but there should not be a debate on whether in the box alone can achieve a La2a puktec chain. Why Doesn't an LA-2A Have All the Compression Controls? The LA2A is one of those pieces that real engineers and producers will call on all the time to take their sound to the next level, a wonderful tool to raise the level of your . Hier mal ein Vergleich, den ich auf YouTube gefunden habe. Controversial. Nick LA 2A Compressor Comparison vs the plugin by UAD la2a teletronix both are great but only one have more "mojo"Follow me on:Instagram https://www. 09; kiro. In this series i'm comparing my precious outboard gear against their plugin reproductions. LA2A vs Summit TLA 100. me/mixbus Sure. instagram. Most of the components you'd expect in an LA2A are just straight up VS-LA2A Programa VS Plug-In by Universal Audio. Introducing PSP Wobbler: The Alan Parsons Plug-In Project Innovation & Tradition: behind the Universal Audio's software version of the legendary Teletronix LA2A Tube Compressor is available for FREE. They GUI layout just like hardware. The hardware is either ALL of the \"A\" samples or ALL of the \"B\" samples Likewise En este video comparamos el mítico compressor Teletronix LA2A. I understand they have their place, and are very poweful from a processing standpoint, but I have a low end studio setup and I Nevertheless, the hardware still has a definite edge over the software when used on elements in a sparse mix; the difference is quite audible. So, according to the biggest rule of modern audio : Pick the one with the most photorealistic GUI, and with the best marketing. The Slate ones are close and it can be difficult to tell them apart in a full mix, but on voice or solo instrumental pieces it can be night and day. So considering all that I would lean toward the 2500. A WA2A (LA2A hardware clone) sounds more “tubey” than any of the LA2A plugins. Quote: he La2a's are fairly expensive compared to some FS Gforce OB-1, NI Massive X, Synapse Dune 3 by r1_000 @ 23:35 in Sell & Buy (+Special Offers, Deals & Promos) Waldorf Lector/ Soundtoys Tremolator V5 by hansmai @ 23:33 in Sell & Buy (+Special Offers, Deals & Promos) Software vs Hardware by elxsound @ 23:30 in Instruments Harmony Bloom by Mario Nieto (MIDI plugin) by Uncle E @ 23:30 in Instruments Here I compare a pair of hardware La2a's against the UAD La2a. 09 #1 Zumal nahezu egal von welchem Entwickler, ob [g=8]Plugin[/g] oder Hardware, die Dinger nicht billig sind und du schon die Zeit finden solltest, die Dinger zu testen. Especially UA. Now I'm waiting for the CLA examples On the flip-side, the sound does go deeper down. If there may be reasons for (certain) plug-ins to run on hardware only, these the reasons for this should be communicated. UAD Plugins vs Neural DSP For Beginner Guitarist? Tone-wise I hear it adding a subtle “halo” or a sheen to tracks. We'll be comparing their features and performance on a range of LA2A is so vintage, with multiple releases, that there can't be a "closest" plugin. If you are curious about it, you can listen to the comparison here: VS-LA2A: VS Plug-In by Universal Audio - 下載. Ist wie bei Monitoren geschmacksache. So don't get access to an LA2A hardware, so try the access analog one The vst and standalone is horrible to use; so do what i could, not calibrate it UAD La2a vs Hardware La2a - Sound examples When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. O Teclado Portátil Perfeito para Iniciar sua Vida Musical. If you put a gun to my head, I couldn't tell the difference between the hardware and the UAD plugin. LA-2A Emphasis Control Mar 28, 2013. How to Use the LA-2A Compressor Plugin: A Comprehensive GuideEver wondered how to add that classic tube warmth and smooth compression to your tracks? The LA- I’ve used both hardware and plugin. Unfortunately, UA plugins are only run on the devices, their Audio Interfaces or the UAD units. The Softube TLA-100A really surprised me when I compared it to its hardware counterpart. I've worked with a few hardware units and the CLA-2A definitely has that recognizable character and behavior. Sorry I don't have ability to compare Waves with BRA mix-wise, or compare either with UAD (never wanted to get into plugins that required hardware, even if they were the best at one time). Open comment sort options. UA VS-LA2A / VS-1176LN - Plugin: auralman VS-Planet Artist # 404 Planeteer im sorry let me explain Better,I spent over 10k on plugins over the years,watching YouTube videos,Listening to people sale me this dream of analog, etc,After buying all most every Plugin Out,I dove into hardware,i Purchased a Neves1073spx,1176 & a 2a,& the sounds on My vocals,vs Plugin was night and day difference, but Buying all these Plugins I Found some Special Quote: Originally Posted by JPeters86 ️ What plugin are you referring to? There are a few out there. Q&A. Maybe somebody's DSP Plugin copy of that onld analog compressor is 100 percent or maybe not, but if I wanted LA2A or 1170 behavior I would look for a good hardware version, rather than buying a dsp plugin clone and wondering exactly how close (or far away) it might be from the original sound. It’s not really going to thicken up the low-end at all. Please read the NOTE below, as well as the "README The Debatte "UAD vs WAVES" is in fact pointless, as is any discussion "Plugin A vs Plugin B" - as long as we are talking about Plugins that emulate ANALOG Gear. So don't get access to an I have yet to demo the LA2A plugin but I'm hoping that its tone is complimentary to my existing collection of plugins and hardware. the OP is talking about a hardware cl1b and a hardware La2a though 7 Share Reply Quote. In effect, the LA-2A is a two-knob compressor, with Peak Reduction working as a form of threshold control, and a Gain knob to raise the signal back Just made a skin for Analog Obsession's LALA plugin, a vst based on classic LA2A hardware compressor. The reason is The Waves always ended up at the bottom, except for drums where it sounded better than even the UAD LA2A and where the hardware didn't fare very well. 3-band sidechain filter LA2A vs. i might also throw in a few other compression plugs and see The battle of Analog Vs Digital continues with Compression, this time comparing HOW the Universal Audio LA2A digital plugin compares to the Warm Audio WA2A a In today's video, we're diving deep into the world of audio processing to answer a burning question: Can a free plugin really hold its own against high-end h Whether you’re looking for a faithful recreation of this classic hardware or a plugin that captures its essence, there are several excellent options available. Don't want this to become a loophole of trying to find the best, but you can't even compare the Overloud La2a/1176, NoiseAsh RuleTech, or Pulsar Mu to the Waves versions. DMG, I'd still pick the DMG first because of the breadth of options As clearly stated by the developer of MeldaProduction plugins, MTurboComp isn't an "exact" emulation of all the hardware compressors that they "cite" in its "Active Presets" list, in the sense that MTurboComp doesn't use the classic circuit modeling approach to emulate those hardware compressors; instead, its developer took another road Designed by the same manufacturer of the classic hardware version,the VS-LA2A is an exacting emulation of the original legendary compressor for your V-Studio. Can't comment on unison, I just use PCIe UADs. In what way has the approach of In this video, we compare the Warm Audio WA-2A compressor to an LA2A plugin by Universal Audio & Waves. The UAD plug-ins sound more open to me and seem to compare near flawlessly to the hardware equivalents that I have as well. You can listen and tell me which you think is which. If that's the case it's more likely to get used than my 1176 plugins because I do not own a HW LA2A (i. Even a hardware clone gives me something I'm missing vs the plugin and here is the reason. I listen If it's great playing, recorded in a beautiful room with superb mics and high-end pres, then yes, hardware makes all the difference while plugins sound dull and lifeless. Light on system resources. E-X20A. VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. The charm of both the plug-in and the hardware Teletronix LA-2A has to be its limited control set, which is arguably the polar opposite to the flexibility offered by a chameleon-like VCA compressor. As clearly stated by the developer of MeldaProduction plugins, MTurboComp isn't an "exact" emulation of all the hardware compressors that they "cite" in its "Active Presets" list, in the sense that MTurboComp doesn't use the classic circuit modeling approach to emulate those hardware compressors; instead, its developer took another road LA2A shootout: Hardware LA2A vs Melda MTurboComp vs IK White 2A vs NI VC2A. Sidechain can be internal or external (the Sidechain on the hardware is a bit different). If you can afford to rack your studio floor-to-ceiling with hardware and only ever do one mixdown at a time Next in line, we have Waves Audio’s CLA-2A, which is another emulation of Teletronix’s hardware, but with a few more additions than Black Roosters. I've checked the comparison on Zen pro Clipalator,and I hear more high freq coming through in the s's for instance on the WA2A. Knowing what I know about BRA vs. 2nd April 2020 #14. Quote: Originally Posted by brotastic ️. 05 Beiträge 297 Reaktionen 0 Punkte 430. Most of the times I find myself just using the LA2A, which often sounds better in my view. New. Get a low price and free shipping on Full comparison between the Universal Audio LA-2A and the Warm Audio WA-2A including features, sound quality, audio samples. la2a , hardware vs plugin ? ssl bus comp, hardware vs plugin ahh what the hel you get the point how close do you think hardware is vs sotware ? for instan is it worth spending 2 to 5 grand for one peace pf rack gear instead a whiole bundle A veces lo aplico en la grabacion si veo que el cantante es parejo, sino lo dejo para la mezcla, luego de automatizar algunas partes. Leider wurde der kostenlose LALA von Analog Obsession nicht mit getestet. 3rd November 2022 | Show parent #7. Hardware vs PlugIN Re-listen to tracks, the Alctron/Neve 1073 can do some really smooth The investment one *could* make in to 2 or 3 great pieces of hardware, vs getting 4 UAD cards, every plugin, a Duende, a Duende Mini and all of the SSL extra plugs is an enticing proposition and, frankly, 1 that I hope to never face. The difference is the UA LA-2A is a tad thicker sounding while the CL1B Mk II is just a little bit cleaner. If Acustica has a LA2A, it should be the best ! Also, of the three non-Waves companies that OP listed, Plugin Alliance is the only one who produce 100% native plugins: Most UAD plugins are incompatible with native hardware (although they're making progress!). I find myself using plugins more and more, especially when th VS-LA2A: VS Plug-In by Universal Audio - E-X30. Click here to see their product. 00 Retail The item in this auction is new and comes with the full manufacturer's warranty. Cons. kit. This doesn't mean it sounds bad, just that the plugin sounds extremely good! These were blind tests mind you so no cheating involved. and even SSL plugins. LA3A. I think fewer and fewer people are using LA2A plugins, because we usually can find much better solutions today. Features . IK White is just as useful as UAD, but I rarely use LA2A plug-ins anymore. For tracking, the hardware distressor is just so nice, but I do also love the uad distressor plugin for mixing. Posts: 5,554 My Studio. When Universal Audio announced three new emulations of the classic Teletronix LA-2A compressor, it raised a few questions. Universal Audio LA-2A Compressor Legacy Update (PC/Mac) This is the latest update of the UA LA-2A Compressor Plugin for Legacy VS recorders (VS-1680/1880/1824CD). Best Free LA2A Compressor Plugins For Music Producers and Engineers In addition to the standard LA-2A Classic, Universal Audio also offers the LA-2A Classic Leveler Plugin Collection, which features emulations of the original “Gray” Teletronix version, the reissued “Silver” UREI version, and the exceptionally rare predecessor to the LA-2A, the LA-2. Lives for gear Joined: Feb 2005. Simple controls. Just like the previous Plugin vs Hardware episod Plug-ins vs. LA2A is very close. 1 Review written 🎧 20 years. Reply reply I have an LA2A and in certain places the software versions serve fine, in specific vocal situations the headroom and effect of an analog LA2A is hard to Get the guaranteed best price on Remote Controllers for Recording Hardware like the Roland UA VS-LA2A Compression and Limiting VS Plug-In at Musician's Friend. 7th March 2020 Of course the real secret is track with a hardware LA2A (or Retro STA Level) then you'll be asking so little of your plugin at mix time, any of the above will do the job as the tone will already be baked into Seems to be the color of the plug (and to a certain extent the color of the hardware), and while you can minimize or maximize with settings, it's just there all the time. 01. The hardware unit-to-unit variations are bigger than the differences in the software emulation vs the analog unit that has been modeled (for modern plugins at least). - I have tried to match all hardware IGS LA one 500 and plugins Waves CLA-2A, Brainworx Bx_opto in gain reduction and level output as close as possible. Pianos; Synthesizers; Keyboards; Guitar & Bass; Drums & Percussion; Wind Instruments; Production; Amplifiers; AIRA & DJ; Roland Cloud; This is the latest update of the UA LA-2A Compressor Plugin for Legacy VS recorders (VS-1680/1880/1824CD). Ok some plugin models aren't modeling the same hardware some are supposedly the same models but different brands, but I had pretty much the very same There is a more audible difference with the a 1176. The RS124 is one of the most beautiful sounding compressors ever made! It was THE sound of the Beatles, I can't think of a better endorsement than that! In Everyone has their favorite era; while some 2A plugins try to address this by offering alternate models, the NEOLD U2A takes it further. All Slate plugins use DRM that is incompatible with native hardware, and requires an external iLok device for DRM. But nothing is communicated, and that's very bad. 04. Para desarrollar Hardware versus Plugin: Tubetech CL1BIn this series we'll compare plugins against their analog counterparts. com/fixyourmix?video=3buvq7w Cakewalk - CA-2A Leveling Amplifier 2. Add a Comment. But many of you will prefer the plugin exactly as it is and I can’t argue the wisdom of that. This is the latest update of the UA LA-2A Compressor Plugin for Legacy VS recorders (VS-1680/1880/1824CD). true. Registriert 18. Comment, Like and Subscribe! DONATE: paypal. For the LA2A just set it up so it does a nice 2-4 dB of reduction at all times (some people say 3-5 here others say 1-3, I split the difference because I want to have options later, but I like the sound of an LA2A). Which one do you think sounds best? Download the In this video, we'll be putting three compressors to the test - the Neold U2a, the UAD LA2A plugin, and a hardware compressor. The IK plug-in is missing some of the harmonic distortion of the hardware. "UAD Essentials Edition gives you the rich analog tones heard on decades of classic albums with 11 "must-have" UAD plug-ins and instruments — for one low price — no UA hardware required. Attack asked me to investigate how well my hardware LA-2A and the various software models work on dance music sound specifically. So, one man's "essential" is another man's "redundant". I used the nulling technique to get the hardware and software sounding as close as possible. Each model offers a slightly different take on the What I would mainly like to know, though, are the differences of the actual circuit emulation of the legacy plugins (1176LN, LA2A, Pultec Pro) vs their recent direct counterparts of the respective collections (1176 Rev. I love hardware but not a purist and can’t afford to be. NKS ready for Native Instruments hardware/software compatibility. And if you happen to be able to A B them then you can hear it, but in many situations the difference is minute. Spot the difference in this shootout between vintage, analog gear and digital plugins☛ Learn the go-to starting points for EQ and compression in heavy mixes The 1176 in the LA-6176 is based on the 1176 in the 6176 hardware; The LA2A in the LA-6176 is based on the LA2A in the LA-610MkII hardware; But yes, the biggest benefit of the LA-6176 is you're getting both of our hardware channel strips in one plugin, really combining "UA's greatest hits" of analog designs in one "super strip" plugin. Updates & Drivers; Updates & Drivers. Let the battle begi In this episode of Plugin vs Hardware, i'll be comparing the Warm Audio EQPWA to the UAD Pultec EQP1a plugin. LA2A COMPRESSOR SHOOTOUT || ACCESS ANALOG VS DIGITAL || SLATE FG2A vs Universal Audio LA2A HARDWAREFollowing the success of the slate digital fg2A (available - Lost Angel to the LA2A plugins for the LA2A type sound While some guys hate the Waves model of ilok with upgrade fees, I do not like the model of hardware based plugins, be it UAD, Waves TDM or any other company. 0. The hardware LA-2A is the reference, the thing all these plugins are claiming to model. I will go for X being the hardware and here is my reason. (talking hardware - the UAD LA2A doesn't have any of the real deal's color, the 1176 is much better colorwise in Seems like Ive played with 100's of pieces but never bought the # 1 classic strip-chain of 1073>1176 and /or LA2A. it was pretty mindblowing having used hardware for the first time. The hardware unit-to-unit variations are bigger than the differences in the software emulation vs the LA2A is so vintage, with multiple releases, that there can't be a "closest" plugin. But they are very very close. E, LA2A Silver (or was it Grey?), Pultec EQP-1A / MEQ-5). QueenSisi. And operation is simple, thanks to a dedicated Limit/Compress switch and Input/Peak Reduction knobs. Jun 10, 2020 #2 I bit on this deal. " Reply reply Es gibt den Urvater aller Optos in einer originalgetreuen Hardware-Reissue – und seit kurzem in der zweiten Auflage für die UAD-Plattform als Plug-In. Please read the NOTE below, as well as the Learn how to use LA-2A optical compression with the Warm Audio WA-2A and UAD LA-2A Silver Face. PLugIn comparisons would be appreciated to CoolCat Well-known member. Vive la différence! Prog Bass Solo – Plugin vs Hardware The Distressor is known for being the "Everything" compressor that can mimic 1176 and LA2A behavior but in your case that may be a reason against going for it seeing that you already have those plugins. Learn more View i also have the LA2A plug. Any piece of hardware is going thru electronic circuits,tubes, transformers depending on the unit. While the 1176 has seen a huge number of revisions in its history, the most significant revision to the 1176 circuit was designed by UREI engineer Brad Plunkett in an effort to reduce noise — hence the birth of the 1176LN (LN stands for low noise) at revision C. Offer ends October 31st. I like this plug in for vocals better than the UAD or Waves version when comparing it to the LA-2A hardware. the LA2A plug will give me something *new*). Ive never been more disappointed as an engineer as the first time i turned on my La2A hardware. id encourage folks to try the free available hardware on access analog. Electric to Drums, til I heard the RockMix and thought that B should be hardware and A plug-in. Best DAW bundled free LA2A plugin. In all tests, the ADL ended up sounding worse than the UAD LA2A. My general questions are: 1. zttqinarveptlmwygrambtgmtbkdtcsntdxwbzzfbfpxeyygixqyrylkkyhskpgxlonflzlnlkdmsu