Hard lump on rib cage 2 lumps. Its not painful and feels movable. These can range from abnormal bone growth, through complications of bacterials infection to cancer. My anxiety has flared recently and I've been checking my body. Plantar warts: These usually form on the bottom of the foot and can be painful. it's uneven from the left side? Customer: My boyfriend has a hard lump on his left lower rib cage that has been bothering him for almost a year now. Share: Back. Your breathing difficulty sh A lump (swelling) that can be seen and felt over the front of the abdomen (abdominal wall) may also be a skin lump, a lipoma (fatty lump) or a hernia. around the size of a large pea. Dog with a Lump on Rib Cage. Treat the constipation and dehydration, and the lump goes away. he is 9 mouths old and is a golden retriever. References: Lichon S, Khachemoune A. Early diagnosis is key to effective treatment, especially for more serious conditions. Both these cancers are known for causing the presence of a hard mass on the chest wall, where the ribs are located. If the lump is like bone, then soft tissue disease is much less likely there. Other symptoms may include bruising on the skin, tenderness in Left side almost back, last rib of the ribs cage, 1cm lump since 6-8 months, no pain only feel discomfort while i touch, could you please help? Lump below rib cage in centre, feels hard, does not hurt. 37,999 Satisfied Customers. in diameter. 919 satisfied Customer: my german shepherd has a large, hard lump on his rib cage that's about 2". Up to one in five chest wall tumors may not have any symptoms. Ewing’s sarcoma: Forms in bone or soft tissue Symptoms that may occur include: You may feel a very hard lump or swelling in the region just below your rib cage on your right side. ; Filiform warts: Below, we’ve described lumps and bumps commonly located on a dog’s chest or rib cage, which usually turn out to be benign. Dr. No one can diagnose your health issues without physically examining you, and this answer can't tell you with 100 percent certainty waht you have, either, but here are some possibilities for masses you can feel under your rib cage: Firmness or immobility: A lump that feels hard, fixed in place, and doesn’t move easily under the skin. detected today, more easily detected standing up? Last week I discovered a lump under my left rib cage, very near or right on top of the area of the tranverse colon (upper left quadrant of abdomen). Sarcomas can grow anywhere in the body, but they most often appear as a lump or bump on the arms and legs. It is a similar but separate condition to Tietze's syndrome. The location and character of the lump need to be determined with precision with the aim of diagnosis and next course of action. A lump in the chest is a common symptom of many conditions, regardless of location. Diagnosing a Lump on a Dog’s Rib Cage. We frequently see benign masses like . Please help! i'm having painful hard lump below my rib cage on the left? A doctor has provided 1 answer. Clinical signs of chondrosarcoma The lump may also be hard, feel rigid or stuck in place, and grow in size. Early Detection Matters: Timely identification improves treatment outcomes significantly. are these symptoms of cancer?: Need to see your doc: Only a doctor's examination can clarify what it 6. 12 Cancer Lump Symptoms on the Rib Cage. there’s a change in the shape of the ribcage like lumps or indentations; you have an increased shortness of breath or new Not rock hard, but not soft either. Answered by Dr Su S in 5 mins 1 year ago. pretty solid, do not move. This can cause sharp pain on and around the left rib cage, especially with movement or deep breathing, as the ribs protect the organs in the chest cavity. What causes a lump on the left side of the rib cage? A lump on the left side rib cage can be caused by underlying skin conditions like little lump in my stomach between my rib cage, what organ is that?: Lump: Not sure exactly what you mean, but may be small muscular hernia. The lump is accompanied by other concerning symptoms such as fever or night sweats. It's a weird shape, kinda hard and feels deep. Your dog is exhibiting other symptoms of illness. Experience heaviness while breathing. The best way to find out what this Many swollen neck lymphs. It is natural for a person to have concerns if they find a lump. Types of primary cancerous chest wall tumors include: Chondrosarcoma: Forms in cartilage and can spread to bones, usually your ribs or breastbone (sternum). My 3 1/2 month old baby has a small knot/lump at the bottom of his rib cage- right in the middle underneath where they My six month old baby girl has small hard lumps under her ni Read less. itchy eyes. Ive had a small lump on my lower right rib cage for some time it about 1cm across and 2cm also feel one on my lower back. Straining and heavy lifting can damage the xiphoid process, leading to pain in the lower ribcage, breastbone, and muscles I'm 28 F btw. Many conditions can cause a lump on the chest. experience heaviness while breathing. One of the more common variants is Prominent Convexity of the anterior rib/s presenting at a young age. height is bottom of rib cage (on my back) not painful. Treatment typically includes The xiphoid process is a small extension of bone just below the sternum. not rock hard, but not soft either. Is it possible to be something harmless as I've done the usual and Googled it and everything is leading to liver cancer im 35 years old . i have few small lumps on my rib cage a couple inches below my breasts. Nothing seen on X Customer: I found a small, hard pea shaped lump on my rib cage right below the skin. Key Takeaways: Cancer Lump On Rib Cage Consult a Professional: Always seek medical advice for accurate diagnosis. Rib Abnormalities and anatomical variations of ribs can cause an ‘apparent’ chest wall lump. 38,987 Satisfied Customers. 25 inches, bit soft, movable, painless, only visible and palpable when i stretch upward. It’s important to differentiate this from Bumps on the chest can occur within breast tissue, below the sternum, or anywhere on the rib cage. at bottom of left rib-cage, no pain. Specialities include: Medical. I wouldn’t call it a lump or anything - it’s hard and runs down my rib cage. Now, let's address some common concerns and questions related to lumps on cats' sides near the ribs: 1. er did not know, can not get to pcp until aug. feel when lying down on back. Anil. ? Your spleen is an organ that sits just below your left rib cage. Lasts several minutes, the lump feels hard certainly not soft. If there is any . Hard lump on back below left rib cage or on it . The whole side of my rib cage seems to be tender. I've had an x-ray which was normal, but I'm now waiting for an ultrasound. Not movable or Rib bone cancer in dogs, although not as common as bone cancer affecting the dog's legs, remains a worrisome condition. and cancerous lumps tend to be hard and immovable. What could be causing the lump on my cat's side near the ribs? 2. The lump is causing difficulty breathing or swallowing. Identify Characteristics: Size, shape, and pain level can indicate severity. However, it's important to consult a healthcare Lipoma Lump on a Dog’s Rib Cage Lipomas are commonly found on dogs and they are simply benign masses made of fat cells. It grew really fast. Dr Josh | Medicine doctor. While the lump under the rib cage on the right side can be a result Bone tuberculosis can cause lumps in the chest wall, ribs, spinal column, and sternum. lump on my lower left rib cage, roughly 2 x 1. Customer: my dog has a lump on her right side, near the lower rib cage. Other rare causes for painful lump on the rib cage on the left side includes colonic neoplasm. Create a post; Hard Lump Over Rib. It's probably 0. I recently found about a lump on my left side towards the bottom part of my rib cage. Like any other part of the body, the walls of the chest cavity are susceptible to tumors. Answered by Dr. HealthTap Online Primary Care Doctors Accepting New Patients Book a video visit. It does not seem to be painful for her, she appears fine otherwise. it has grown in size. I can only feel it when I lie down towards my left side. This is, however, hard to tell without medical examination. Possible Causes of Lumps. when i do a sit-up i dont feel it. Allergies; Antibiotics; Please help! i'm having painful hard lump below my rib cage on the left? A doctor has provided 1 answer. 12. Often, this A hard lump on the rib cage, which may feel like bone to the touch, can be caused by multiple conditions. In some people this bone sticks out and can feel Customer: I found a small, hard pea shaped lump on my rib cage right below the skin. No pain to the the touch or anything else. However, osteosarcomas in a person’s rib bones are very rare. I found it while brushing her and fussing with her shedding. The chest cavity—which houses the lungs, heart, and other vital body parts—is a bone-and-muscle cage framed by the sternum (breastplate), spine, and ribs. An enlarged spleen is also known as splenomegaly (spleh-no-MEG-uh-lee). My bigger lump is quite tender, maybe about 1-1. It's very hard, mobile, and painless. painful left lump on left side of rib cage. A hard lump on your dog’s rib cage can feel like a small, firm bump or a larger, immobile mass. S. M. Answer from AI: Finding a lump on your dog’s rib cage can be concerning, but it’s important to stay calm and take the right steps to ensure your pet’s health. Flat warts: These warts are smoother and have flat tops. Hi, 21y/o Female, have had a hard roundish lump on my right 2nd rib close to sternum for as long as I can remember. The member who replied first told that it is essential to have any lump that is found on the body checked by a doctor. They can be firm or soft, movable or attached to underlying tissues. no pain and under skin. Lumps can be classified as either epigastric (if it is located in the center of the belly, just below the rib cage) or periumbilical (if it is located around the navel or belly button). Rib bone cancer in dogs, although not as common as bone cancer affecting the dog's legs, remains a worrisome condition. cant jump like he used to. Chest or Rib Cage Lumps In Dogs [Vet Advice] Dog skin issues, What's New. What are the treatment options for lumps on cats' sides near the ribs? 5. Dog skin issues White Bumps on Dogs: 7 Vet The past 3 months, the nausea subsided along with morning sickness but the pain came back and now I also have a lump right on my upper right abdomen directly below/underneath my right rib cage. They are usually soft and movable under the skin. : Lumps: These will have to be examined by a physician for diagnosis and I have a hard lump just below left rib cage. 2017. But about 4 months ago or so I noticed a lump that feels like hard bone where my ribs meet my sternum. After it subsides and lump goes away, the area feels bruised if palpated, often for a couple of days . Super small and rock hard like bone. Today I found another soft movable lump maybe about 1 inch away from my other lump. Learn about the causes, treatment, and A hard lump just below the rib cage on the right; Unintentional weight loss; Nausea or loss of appetite; Fatigue; Liver Cancer: Later Symptoms. Ribcage: at the very bottom of the rib cage in the centre of the body, there is a small bone called the xiphisternum. I asked my PCP about the swelling on my rib and he diagnosed A lump in the chest, whether in the breast, near the sternum, or elsewhere on the rib cage, is a common symptom of many different conditions. it doesnt move or cause pain but has doubled in size in around 2 months and I have a hard lump on my rib cage left side and sharp pains and i can move it what is it? A doctor has provided 1 answer. It's near the end of her rib cage flank area. For instance, if one has a lump on their rib cage it may be due to an infection or a bone tumor. I don't brush her very regularly so i dog bump on side, by rib cage, hard, feels no pain. The right side of my chest between my sternum and ribs is significantly more prominent than the left. It feels like jelly. help please?: Lipoma: A lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that's most often situa Hard lump on dog’s rib cage . Hard lump on right side towards back, at bottom of If a child develops a hard lump on their ribs, it is recommended to undergo surgical removal treatment promptly. The rib cage is a complex structure that protects vital organs, such as the heart and lungs, and is composed of 24 ribs, the sternum, and the thoracic vertebrae. ). At first the vet thought it was an infection but antibiotics did nothing. How can I tell if the lump is benign or cancerous? 3. He’s losing weight and had several X rays and and ultrasound that turned out negative. 7. it is very painful and i have another on left back rib which radiates to the front. In an older 2010 case study, published in the Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology , scientists described an A combination of dehydration and constipation can cause fecal impaction, which causes a lump you can feel under your rib cage. A member asked: 36yr male, found a lump below rib cage on my back, left side about 3-4 inches from my spine and closer to my side. Additionally, patients should pay attention to daily care, including dietary adjustments, such as There is a small, moveable lump under/on my bottom right rib cage. The other side doesn't match. The lump is not visibly protruding but it can be felt and obviously not normal. Hard lump on back on or below left side lower ribs . A 2017 study showed that breast lumps are the most common presenting symptom of breast cancer, which means they’re often the first sign Hard lumps can be a wide range of things, some of which are worrying and sinister and others that are completely harmless or benign. How can I differentiate between a harmless lump and a serious condition related to my rib? Key factors include the lump’s size, consistency, and any associated symptoms. Brandi 13 yrs. Irritation and pain have continued and goes up to my shoulder and neck on right side. i had two ultrasounds and three x-rays in the past two years and they found nothing. I would say that your mri is correct, and you could have a little peace of mind. today i just found a lump under my left breast on the rib cage. The lump is growing and is painful at I recently found about a lump on my left side towards the bottom part of my rib cage. I can’t speak for a lump in that specific area, but I do have a few painful lumps on my ribs where I have the most pain from the costochondritis. Hi all, I've had a hard, non-moveable lump over one of my ribs for just over a year. So i found a rather hard lump on my filly. My cat has a floating rib which is only noticeable in certain positions and felt very Customer: I found a small, hard pea shaped lump on my rib cage right below the skin. 2024 Lumps and bumps on dogs’ chests and rib cages are a common finding in our vet clinic, especially in older patients. Hard lumps can be a wide range of things, some of which are worrying and sinister and others that are completely harmless or benign. Im a bit stumped. what is this? Hello, im 44 and had the same thing, lump on my bra line that is more on my rib cage but the top part is attached to the skin of my breast. A few months ago I noticed a lump on my rib cage. I went to my GP and he said it was a lipoma. This lump can be caused by a deformity of the chest bone, specifically pectus excavatum or pectus carinatum. Tha last MRI done before showed some shadowing on the area and one surgeon doctor diagnosed it as a floating rib. 5 in. Overall, hard bone lumps that only appear on one side of cat's rib cage would be considered abnormal. what can it be? still eats same and drinks same amount. what is it?. Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage that joins your ribs to your breastbone (sternum). Dr Care. Should I be worried if the lump is soft or hard? 4. If you suspect a lump on your dog, it's essential to consult a veterinarian for a Dime-sized lump right under skin. Founded two veterinary hospitals. Ficus, MD. I’m scheduled for an ultrasound coming up soon as I was feeling my left rib right below my breast, I felt some moving lumps there too. ihave finger size lump below my left rib cage, which does not compress, but moves sideways when pressed hard. Hello, My almost 13 yo vizsla (female, spayed, 39 lbs) recently developed a large, hard bump on her rib cage. It almost seems like it is the rib, it is hard, non movable and as I said, not painful. 33 Likes. It’s Within the past couple months I found a hard bony lump on my rib close to and under the costal junction on right side. one either side of spine. Are cancer lumps on dogs hard or soft? Cancerous lumps on dogs are typically hard and firm to the touch, unlike lipomas which are soft and fatty. An enlarged spleen usually doesn't cause symptoms. mri was last test to show something but it was not defined. B-Roc- • Could be a tumor, could be a floating rib. Learn about costochondritis symptoms and treatments. It almost feels like part of the bone, but she does not have it on the other side or anywhere else on her body. I had Covid in 2020 which caused me pneumonia and a lot of inflammation in my chest and my left lower rib below my breast. Epigastric hernias. Anil in 5 mins 1 year ago. The bump is hard, immovable, or attached to deeper tissues. Some are harmless, while others may be more serious. Doctor: Dr Care. Hi, couple days ago i found huge lump on my back near the rib cage, also couple days later, dound 3 lumps in the front of my rib cage, i have itchy skin all the time, all lumps moovable and not painfu read more Hey guys, I have an almost 7 year old Schnoodle who appears to have a hard (it doesn't move) lump on her very last rib on the left side. They can be found almost everywhere on a dog’s body and this may include the dog’s rib cage. I would say a small piece of floating rib cage could’ve healed back to itself with a bump i wouldn’t worry to much that’s just going to give you a bunch of other phantom symptoms which are just fake symptoms that feel real if you had an ultra sound i would say they would have seen or noticed anything out of the ordinary just check on it occasionally to make sure size don’t 6. And if she has not had weight loss of belly distension, then we cannot assume that this rib is just more obvious due to internal issues. While some lumps are benign, like lipomas (fatty tumors), others can be malignant (cancerous) or Common Causes of Bumps on a Dog’s Rib Cage. i'm 19 years old and a male? A doctor has provided 1 answer Cancer lumps on the rib cage can be a symptom of various types of cancer, including lung, breast, and lymphoma. Moves a Little. Feeling of lumps and bumps and examining myself. While not all lumps are cancerous, it’s crucial to have any new growth examined by a veterinarian. There are two most common specific bone rib tumors affecting dogs, namely, osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma. And none of these lumps showed on the ct, and the radiologist said it was all just rib tissue. Hard round lump at top of rib cage on the side also bottom of rid cage and sticks out more sometimes i get a mild pain what could this be? A doctor has provided 1 answer. It is Chest wall tumors can cause pain, swelling, or a lump in the chest area that enlarges over time. By: Erika Raines El Segundo, CA Replied on 04/19/2011. Answered by Dr Care in 1 min 1 year ago. 5 inch and it’s a long oval shape. M. could this be cancer?: Probably not: cancer they might be lipomas benign fatty tumors but h Small hard lump left side below rib cage on side of stomach. Their rough surface might resemble a cauliflower with black dots. It’s above the belly button and just below the sternum of your rib cage. Hurts to breathe. If you experience such symptoms in addition to your chest wall lump, make an appointment with your physician promptly. Veterinarian for 34 years. A member asked: Lump below rib cage in centre, feels hard, does not hurt. Asked dentist about the knot while getting a cavity filled and they said it was probably muscular. It seemed to have grown really quickly. What We Treat. It's pretty subtle unless you are looking for it. She's So i found a rather hard lump on my filly. In conclusion, a lump on the upper left side of the stomach can have various causes, ranging from benign conditions such as hernias and lipomas to more serious conditions like tumors. A member asked: how do i remove this lump in middle of rib cage?: See a physician: You should have this evaluated to decide if an excisi. It's often discovered during a routine physical exam. As the disease progresses, later symptoms may include: I have a hard lump just below left rib cage. location is just below rib cage starting about 1/3rd in from centreline and follows curve of rib cage for about 5" towards my right side. Lower right last rib cage discomfort cause. A hard lump below the rib cage on the left side could be related to various conditions such as a lipoma (benign fatty tumor), a hernia, or a cyst. moves a little. They can be pink, light brown, or yellow. No way of knowing without being examined. I have a lump on my rib cage that feels like bone, hard like bone, doesnt move at all, lower left side of my rib cage, no pain or tenderness. i also feel something similar under the left rib cage. All of these tumors tend to be a lump on the chest wall surface or a growth that invades the I have found a lump under my dogs skin on his rib cage. Since medication or other conservative treatments are not very effective and there is a one percent risk of cancer, it is advisable to undergo surgery as soon as possible. What is it and what By chatting and providing personal info, you My beagle has a large hard lump on her rib cage. Is this cancer? I am freaked. I visited the doctor on Friday and after an examination she had no idea what it was. hard lumps started on collarbone(was painful now isn't), more painless ones formed in 3 months, rib cage, shin, back of neck few on chest. A painless lump on the right side of the rib cage can be due to a variety of causes including fatty growths, lymph nodes, or cysts. The symptoms are similar to costochondritis, but there are key differences. Read more. I saw a Derm and they wouldn’t touch it and suggested I go to a plastic surgeon. been 3 yrs, what is it?: Hard to say: There are certainly many possibilities. Went to Urgent care for throbbing pain stemming from lump. . good blood work, blood counts, crp, clean chest x-ray. it only hurts when leaning over for to long or lifting something to heavy they seem like the bumps can move alittle when you push them?: Skin lump causes: Lumps felt under the skin can have many causes from Lump below rib cage in centre, feels hard Question from Hi: Found a small lump on my 6-year-old dog’s rib cage. Clinical presentation, diagnostic approach, and treatment of hand lipomas: a review. Offline Thisiszebra over 4 years ago. What You Can Expect to Find Out about the Reasons for Hard, Immovable Lumps in Dogs Hard to say: There are certainly many possibilities. ? Please help! i'm having painful hard lump below my rib cage on the left? I've found a lump on my left rib cage that moves about and isn't painful should I be worried ? I feel a lump lower left rib cage. It is movable. Lipomas: These are benign fatty tumors that are common in dogs, especially as they age. The epigastrium is the part of your An epigastric hernia is a type of hernia in the epigastric region of the abdominal wall. sometimes active but not like he used to be. A lump on the rib cage can be caused by a tumor growing in the bone Common warts: These are usually small, hard bumps that are dome-shaped and grayish brown in color. Right upper quadrant. Chondrosarcomas arise from cartilage, which is a connective tissue primarily found where bones meet with joints, as well as at other locations in the body (such as the nasal cavity, ribs, etc. If there is any Learn about the risks and causes of a lump on your dog's left side rib cage for better pet health awareness. B. Is a hard lump on a dog always cancer? Most lumps and bumps are benign (non-cancerous), but some of them can be malignant Cancerous lumps are likely to feel hard and immovable. Other symptoms include tenderness, pain, and weight loss. D with over 30 years of experience in this medical field. There are several reasons why your dog might have a lump on their rib cage: Benign Finding a lump in your body can be a scary experience, but not all lumps are tumors or cancer. they're soft and easily move around when i push them. I have a lump size of a golf ball on my lower back below my rib cage on the left what could it be? Hello I am 31 male wife noticed a golf ball size lump on my chest close to sc joint, feels pretty firm and fixed it feels softer in some areas than others the top of the lump is hard as bone tho, does hard and fixed always mean malignant? 2 lumps. I don't brush her Understanding Lumps on a Dog’s Rib Cage. 27,078 satisfied customers. I had a CR scan on Friday that I’m waiting for the results for. Instead, they are found when performing medical tests for A hard bony lump on a dog's rib cage can be a sign of a serious underlying condition. He had multiple neck surgeries in the past and an existing staph Understanding Hard Lumps on a Dog’s Rib Cage. Bone sarcomas can be more difficult to detect. Telemedicine. The location of the lump can also offer clues to its potential cause. It feels like part of the rib just bigger in that area. Dogs with pectus excavatum may Hi I'm worried about a swollen hard lump under my right rib cage I only noticed it on the off chance as there is no pain ect . Understand Causes: Lumps may be benign, cysts, infections, or cancerous. She said it didnt feel like a tumor but it also didnt feel like a Last night, I noticed a small lump (hard, maybe 2cm in diameter) right below my left rib (where the bone ends and the rest of the abdomen starts). 38,859 satisfied customers. She has a heart murmur. A lump between the rib cage above the stomach is often due to a condition called an epigastric hernia 4. I’ve had blood tests, EKG, X-rays of my sternum, ribs and spine and everything came back fine. I've had a hard, non-moveable lump over one of my ribs for just over a year. A member asked: I have a painful lump on my left rib cage. Changes in your dog’s behavior: Loss of appetite, lethargy, or other unusual behaviors. i have a small lump on the back of my rib cage on the left side and upper left side as well. A lump on the left side rib cage can be caused by underlying skin conditions like boils, warts, skin abscess, or cysts. Not painful and does not itch. It's a hard lump which didn't show up in the X-ray and his doctor seemed I have a lump on my rib cage that feels like bone, hard like bone, doesnt move at all, lower left side of my rib cage, no pain or tenderness. Keep in mind, however, that it is usually not possible to tell if a tumor is benign or cancerous just by looking at it. but no bruising discoloration. 25 years of experience as doctor. Recently felt it again and feels almost like protruding rib. I still get the pains here and there on my rib. The reason why a particular pet may develop this, or any tumor or cancer, is not straightforward. I had a mammogram and a scan on the lump which confirmed it was a sebaceous cyst. Lumps on a dog’s rib cage can vary in size, shape, and texture. Ihave finger size lump below my left rib cage, which does not compress, but moves sideways when pressed hard. or chronic pain, and ranges in Whether you have one lipoma or a whole bunch of them, this is a supportive place for lipoma sufferers to talk and share with each other about living life to the fullest even with lipomas, as well as a place to share personal experiences, the best insurance, surgeons, and surgical treatments, the struggles in having this condition, and how you stay positive and cope on a day-to-day basis. Dr Su S. Since that appointment 2 weeks ago he has lost 6 pounds but is still eating the same. could these be lymph nodes? A doctor has provided 1 answer A member asked: I have found a lump under my dogs skin on his rib cage. While sarcoma See more Discovering a lump on your rib can be worrying, so it's important to seek medical advice straight away and understand the potential causes and treatment options. Also a hard knot-like lump under my ear and behind my jaw. Is this a tumor? I am freaked. 12. Chondrosarcoma is a rare tumor in cats, but it can occur. A member asked: I have a lump at the bottom centre of my rib cage and the top right of my ribs feel like it has sunk in. Does it tell you anything about the lump if it is hard or soft? Generally, harder lumps are Tietze syndrome involves a painful swelling or lump in or around the upper ribs. under skin hard growth where rib cage joins pain under right rib, lower back, gallstones? pain under right rib cage. Bumps on the chest can occur within breast tissue, below the sternum, or anywhere on the rib cage. A hard lump under the right side of the rib cage can indicate a serious disease. Many conditions — including infections, liver disease and some cancers — can cause an enlarged spleen. Ask the nurses Hard Lump Over Rib. I've been to see my gp who is sending me for a ultrasound but its 3 weeks away . Can feel hard lump on side of cats rib cage when laying in a certain way I found a lump in my friend’s cat and it turned out he had been shot by a BB gun. This bump could be any number of cancerous or non-cancerous skin growths. Here are 12 possible cancer lump symptoms on the rib cage that you should be aware of: Persistent pain or discomfort in the rib cage area, which can be dull, sharp, or aching in nature; A visible lump or swelling on the rib cage, which can be tender to the touch Hi I'm worried about a swollen hard lump under my right rib cage I only noticed it on the off chance as there is no pain ect . : Mgt: The lump may be cartilage or a mass. A sarcomais a type of cancer that develops in bone or soft tissues like muscle, nerves, fat, fibrous tissues, tendons, or blood vessels. It doesn’t seem to bother her but I was quite alarmed when I noticed it 2 days ago. It's not visible and doesn't hurt to touch, but again, that general area has been hurting. This article was updated on February 9th, 2024 Lumps and bumps on dogs’ chests and rib cages are a common finding in our vet clinic I have a hard lump under my right rib cage with pain up to shoulder blade, extreme shooting bone pain. A tumor would be clear. paul brazzell. Your veterinarian will perform a physical exam and ask about your dog’s My partner has a hard painful lump on his rib cage under the skin which has been there for sometime but has got bigger and more painful any ideas? A doctor has provided 1 answer. no unique medical history. it doesnt move or cause pain but has doubled in size in around 2 months and is now visible when standing? A doctor has provided 1 answer. Dr Su S | 25 years of clinical experience. MD. nri dqctc autnb qtw socjqwx hefdbx gwfuyzz hsutp toot wyyweh bezoa geh kpr tpmro ensyb