E46 seafoam in oil. A week later i changed my oil from 10w-40 to 5w-30.

E46 seafoam in oil Especially at high miles like that. Last week After dumping in a bottle of Seafoam in the crankcase, as oil pressure fires the injectors along with the ECU, E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope, Inc. 9) : 2012) E39 (1997 - 2003) E46 (1999 - 2006) E36 (1991 - 1999) E60 / E61 (2004 - 2010) Top Contributors this Month View All. I connected back up and let it idle for 12-15 mins. I am about to go for a long trip, and wanted to change oil beforehand. So I have both jobs to do. Our products include Sea Foam Motor Treatment, as well as other additives and cleaners for critical engine areas. 2005 E46 M3 Interlagos/Cinnamon with Sunroof Delete. Thought it would be interesting for others to see the condition of the oil control rings on an 86k mile B25 that used about 1/2 quart every 7,500 mile oil change. 5 ounces of Seafoam for every quart of oil, Seafoam is an amazing cleaner. In either one, Sea Foam will help keep things clean so your engine runs better and lasts longer. Shorter oil service intervals will keep engine clean for longer, even if using inexpensive oil. Drive it routinely for 150 miles. flyfishvt. Oil analysis below. But I have decided I want to do the gasket then add some Seafoam to my oil, run it for a week and then change the oil. Chevy Motor Vehicles. I've read you should leave it in the oil for 500 miles tops. Add 30mL of Sea Foam Motor Treatment for every liter of oil in the crankcase. Amount Of Seafoam To Add In Oil: The amount of Seafoam to add to your oil depends on the size of your engine. I watched a good Youtube video by some German guys on how to purge the system by disconnecting the return cooler line and pumping the fluid out through it, then refilling the trany, after about three times the fluid looked pretty good. Brand new 545i Did catch cans along with all kinds of other tricks (seafoam in the oil, trans fluid/seafoam mixture in the oil, short OCI***8217;s with conventional oil, etc). There are a number of ways to use it. DO clean to some degree or another, just a matter of is the price worth the cleaning it does and does that cleaning have a meaningful effect. Bill W. 12-20-2010, 10:45 PM #6. Fuel: Again, the Seafoam shouldn’t have affected anything in the fuel delivery system. I just wanted to hear opinions on what the best kinds of oil and/or oil treatments that have been proven to solve or reduce oil consumption in our cars. Save Share Like. This can lead to increased wear and tear, especially in older engines. I've also used the seafoam stuff where I sucked it in via the vaccum line, and put some in the oil & fuel, which helped as well. What it does it cleans so well the engine that will clog the oil filter. Content on E46 Fanatics Forum is generated by its users. When I get the plugs in I will seafoam it, then change the fluid/filter/gasket. when you add it in the oil, its breaking down any sludge buildup or carbon buildup for better Watch The How 2 Video ADD SEA FOAM TO YOUR OIL CRANKCASE – SUPER EASY! Adding to crankcase oil is the #2 use of Sea Foam (in fuel is #1) by professional mechanics and DIYers. Using Seafoam in the Crankcase . But as most of our engines are above 200K km, some cleaning additive right before oil change will help to wash off some built ups. Warm up the engine: For fuel system and oil system applications, it is recommended to warm up the engine to operating temperature. I wanted to get 10-40 but i really like mobil one and i cant find it at any Help E46, E9x, F30, F32, F33, F36, F44) 1991 - 1999 ; Lifter tick, after oil, plugs, and seafoam; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ My car BMW E46 (10/2004) burning engine oil, i was running with 400km it burning 1 lit of oil. I have an oil change coming up soon, so I***8217;m looking at options now If it didn't work for you to fix problems caused by neglect or abuse, then say so. What Seafoam does is help in dislodging and re-liquefying buildups and clogs so that they can be removed and filtered out. Asking about a second opinion (ie "Is the shop trying to fleece me?"), please read through CJM8515's post on the subject. One can of Sea Foam Motor Treatment treats approximately 16 liters of oil. " On these cars, if you're scared about proper oil, change the filter at 8,000km and then do a complete change at What I noticed is after running the SeaFoam/STP in the crankcase the engine oil would not dirty as quickly as before. Oil wasn't incredibly dark after as others had posted, though. Do not exceed one treatment per oil change interval. No oil leaks, E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope, Inc. Clean the exterior surfaces to prevent any dirt from entering the internal parts during the application process. All six oil rings looked identical, so I only include pics of one. Started it up and let it idle, drained oil hot. A cleaner. Brand. I replaced the crankcase vent valve (CCV) but the oil consumption s till same. Please help me solve problem Clean Oil Systems; Clean Piston Rings; Cleaning Carburetors; Cleaning Fuel Injectors; Cleaning Intake Valves; i2-c2 Menu Toggle. After reading many forums on this problem, I decided to go with liqui moly engine flush and Shell Rotella t6 oil, as I saw many people talk about Well I've had these codes for an year, I finally solved it. Alex//1999 323is - power e46 M3 seats, style 43 rims, 328 exhaust, Z3 rack, Bilstein PSS coilovers If you have not already done so, change the oil. Seal Damage: Seafoam’s solvents can potentially damage engine seals, leading to leaks and oil loss. Seafoam cleaning in fuel tank, engine oil (and replaced it), through brake booster - Done 2 times; Replace entire cooling system; E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope, Inc. My removed oil didn't look/feel thin and there wasn't any 'sandpaper' in it either. I have an '05 330i ZHP and it's been going through oil like crazy, seafoam is another product to use in your cylinders only needs to sit for about an hour, E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope, Inc. Oil Viscosity Changes: Seafoam can thin your engine oil, reducing its ability to lubricate and protect engine parts. 3 series & 4 Series (E21, E30, E36, E46, E9x, F30, F32, F33, F36, F44) 1975 - 1983 ; Sea Foam; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Or all three. 1 E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope, Inc. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada Sea Foam is the leading fuel and oil additive manufacturer. Come join the discussion about M How to use a Seafoam oil flush. Oil change should clear that up Change the plugs out and while you're at it, a little Marvel Mystery Oil in each Add a full bottle of IC5 Fuel Injector Cleaner to your fuel tank. true Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu There doesn't seem to be any. - E46 325ci white. The normal way of using Seafoam in engine oil is by adding 1 to 1. View Profile View Forum Posts Member Join Date Jun 2009 Location South Carolina Posts 31,073 Inspect and clean: Before applying Seafoam, visually inspect the engine or equipment for any loose debris or dirt. It should get rid of lifter tick, make sure you’re using the correct grade oil in the car and number one do not use seafoam. you will notice a big difference after the first can, especially if its an older car, and hasnt had fuel treatment in a long Is it better to put Sea Foam in gas or oil? Sea Foam cleans residues and deposits and helps prevent or overcome the problems they causes. On my E46 I resorted to 'mechanic in a can' - Seafoam - as a diagnostic aid. Gunk in oil filter cap. Keep adding Sea Foam before each The amount you pour in will be more since its 1 1/2 oz of Seafoam for each quart of oil (x6. Oil consumption is the #2 Achilles heel of the E46, with coolant issues being number one. 219,000 km was the oil sample 200 km after the DMSO flush. Cleaning things is good. I took it to a local independent BMW shop and, among other work, had them do a yes its okay to put in the oil and gas, it makes sense when you think about it. Answered by Rus. When added to an engine’s oil crankcase, Sea Foam Motor Treatment works to clean and liquefy heavier oil deposits, so the residues will drain away BMW E46 Oil Filter. Appreciate 0 Quote 08-17-2014, 07:35 AM Even seafoam through the intake will find its way to the oil. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada Buy LiquiMoly oil from fcp euro and it’s got a lifetime warranty including returns on consumables. One bottle treats up to 95 liters. So BG EPR definitely helps. It probably has cleaned away deposits in the engine and made the oil dirty. Gummed up (coking) piston rings. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada The noise came back about 7k into the last oil change. In oil, Sea Foam cleans harmful residues and deposits that can restrict oil flow and engine lubrication. Adding Sea Foam Looking for an e46 Piston Soak DIY. Seeing the compression that low that motor is sadly toast, the minimum psi for each cylinder should be 120 psi, 2 things could have happend the rings are worn out fausing blow by, is spin it over to see if air is coming out of E46 Forums. I used Mobil 5W30 engine oil. The oil level reduced about 3mm on the dipstick in Thanks for the feedback. I've put about 20k on mime since I bought it, Never had an oil light on, seafoam is a magical cure-all that fixes problems that it doesn't even touch! I mean, just last week I used seafoam and it stopped my valve cover leak and cured my neighbors A forum community dedicated to BMW E46, E90, and F30 owners and enthusiasts. Hi Rus – Thanks for the note. It's just a solvent. Seafoam is a popular engine treatment that helps That being said, I would much rather run my engine on a ATF/Seafoam and oil mix for a quick flush, not Kerosene . B. Diesel Engine Maintenance Basics; DIY Engine Maintenance Basics; High Mileage Engine Care; Marine I used a small brush/scrapper and seafoam removed all I could by hand. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada That said, here’s why we recommend adding Sea Foam 100-300 miles before an oil change: Sea Foam in oil works to reliquefy residues and deposits so they can be drained away with the old oil. Sea Foam Motor Treatment; Sea Foam Spray; Marine PRO; High Mileage; E46 2002 BMW 330CI. So, I changed the oil once again, and all is silent in the am. When ready, remove oil filler cap and pour the recommended amount of Sea Foam directly into the engine crankcase. So did my meticulously maintained since new M3. But, I know plenty of people that say it does work. Great intro video on how to do it – I think that leak additives and Seafoam are snake oil. For best results, add when the tank is low to maximize cleaning concentration. Seafoam is the best fuel system cleaner on the market. This spend the $10 and 30 minutes to change your oil & filter again. BMW E90 Oil Filter. Using Seafoam in Oil . Just keep an eye on oil color and change it if it gets dirty enough (you might have to change it before your next scheduled oil change). I also vacuum seafoamed poorly running rotary engines which all ran smoother and Hi, I am the owner of 2001 e46 with m54b25 engine. Don't get teh spray you need the liquid SeaFoam. Content on I think part of the process of doing the seafoam treatment is to do the oil change soon afterwards otherwise there is corrosion to the internals. Content on E46 Fanatics Forum is E46 (1999 - 2006) How To: Use Seafoam. (still running rough) Seafoam in Oil Add Anytime Between the Change Oil Intervals. RUN Universal Power Steering Fluid; Total Finishing Spray And Protectant; Total Interior Detailer and Cleaner; i6-c3. Lack of top notch maintenance or more properly said lack of; usually passes oil consumption issues onto the next owner. For cleaning sludge, several here have been recommending AutoRX, which works in a slower, You can drain 1 quart of oil and put 2 cans of seafoam in its place and run the engine for 15-20 minutes. 1 fl oz per quart of oil in your sump via the oil filler cap. Advanced Search Cancel Create thread New Forums More Login / Join New Forums More Login / Join Actually ran one car for 2500 miles with the SeaFoam without any leaks or other problems, changed the oil and man after the SeaFoam change the oil stayed clean for FAR longer than prior oil changes. . What all these oil threads come down to is speculation. I tried the Seafoam procedure just as you explained and I noticed that the fluid is not emptying from hose. Adding seafoam in oil can help clean deposits out of your crankcase and oil system to ensure proper liquid movement and prevent overheating. As a general rule of thumb, you can add 1 ounce of Seafoam 10 votes, 26 comments. If seafoam actaully does what it says it does, it's Only the fact that the "Made in Germany" oil is 0w-30 instead of 5W-30, and is the one to get. Then put some seafoam in the crankcase. However, it is recommended to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or seek professional advice for your specific vehicle model. Seafoam isn't BS. It's actually one of the better cleaners out there. It has fucked up every car I’ve tried it on. For one, So I decided to let the car go about 4k miles with the SeaFoam/Oil mix and changed the filter once at about 1500 miles. This time, I poured some seafoam into the crankcase and took it on a 500 mile road trip. I You should only keep Seafoam in oil for five to fifteen minutes before draining it. The seafoam will also contact the spark plugs. 224,000 km was the one done recently. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada There's been a lot of discussion on whether or not you should put Seafoam in your oil just before you change it. I've also used Seafoam in the oil and fuel. From my personal experience with my E38, E36, E46, E30, E34 : Seafoam is great in oil before oil changes only! Do not drive the car with seafoam in the oil. Prior to the first start of the morning disconnect the pump output hose at the pump - fill it with seafoam - reconnect it - then start the engine. Great intro video on how to do it – E46 Forums. Watch The How 2 Video ADD SEA FOAM TO YOUR OIL CRANKCASE – SUPER EASY! Adding to crankcase oil is the #2 use of Sea Foam (in fuel is #1) by professional mechanics and DIYers. So going to run the SeaFoam then do a purge, install new fluid (Valvoline MaxLife and filter. You Eventually the seafoam will pass the rings into the oil pan so it will be in the oil upon running. It’s a very good cleaner. Make sure you use 1. E46 General. The back of the bottle should tell you exactly how much seafoam to use and how long to keep it in there. One of the main ways that you can add seafoam in oil is to use this product in the crankcase to take care of any unwanted engine oil sludge. and still in hose. and remember to please post the That said, you can safely add Sea Foam to the oil at any time. A week later i changed my oil from 10w-40 to 5w-30. E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope, Inc. That engine has an oil consumption problem. How bad is the leak? The bellypan catches most small leaks and exits while driving anyway. Be prepared to change your oil BMW E46 Oil Consumption & Possible Fix Can someone explain to me how this is possible, I'm willing to believe in aliens if there is a logical explanation to take out the fluid then run a seafoam treatment, the take it Unless the Seafoam severely broke your valves or rings or something, we can assume you have compression. Jump to Latest 21 - 34 of 34 Posts. Drove for about 15 mins. Conner Kranz 0. Hi all, I fixed an oil-consumption problem really easily some time ago, and wanted to share: I bought a used 2004 330Ci many years ago, and quickly discovered it was an oil-burner: about a quart every 1500 miles. Red oil warning light after valve cover gasket replacement. E46 Fanatics Forum is not in any way affiliated with Bayerische Motoren Werks AG VerticalScope Inc. SEA FOAM PRODUCTS. 5 ounces to every quart of motor oil. The two primary reasons for a M54 engine to drink oil are: Worn/broken CCV system. Also good was the lack of oil use in the 5000 km of driving. It takes oil some time to "break in. Come join the discussion about M E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope, Inc. I even suggest on some higher mileage cars that may not have been well maintained to even use SeaFoam for 250-500 miles before an oil change as well. I don't want to add the Seafoam while I have the leaky gasket in case it accelerates the Dark Mode; Light Mode; menu Log in You'd certainly need to change the oil again soon afterand frankly, the best solvent for sludge is oil. And if to perform it regularly, it definitely helps to avoid infamous oil rings problem. Unless the tank is empty, or the Seafoam clogged ALL injectors (but it didn’t go through the injectors, so this isn’t it), I think we can rule out fuel. All the solvents, Techron, Seafoam etc. When I start the car has blue smoke and moisture at exhaust. 213 posts · Joined A forum community dedicated to BMW E46, E90, and F30 owners and enthusiasts. Add it to your oil, add it to your gas (where it will clean fuel injectors) or have the engine ingest it through a vacuum tube. Not to be rude. If he***8217; E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope, Inc. Content on My dipstick comes up with lots of oil on it which I believe is because the ccv is clogged and holding up oil which Has anyone used something like seafoam to spray into the ccv vent tube to try to clean things up A forum community dedicated to BMW E46, E90, and F30 owners and enthusiasts. Even before I changed the oil, when I returned from the trip the noise had gone. Do-not drive the car with it in there. Sea Foam Motor Treatment can be used in every type of gasoline or diesel engine. So I thought the problem was somewhere in fuel system, so I've replaced fuel pump, fuel filter, used seafoam, fuel system cleaner but nothing solved the problem. Best Silverado Going through seafoam in oil reviews will give you an idea of how bad or good it can get. Remember the pistons have 2 compression rings that sit above the oil control rings. I usually do it about 300km before I change my oil so I can take it for a Potential Risks of Adding Seafoam to Engine Oil. I resorted to one of their work arounds to clean the heads. You can add Seafoam E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope, Inc. Unless you are doing oil analysis, most results are subjective. Change oil and filter, take it for a short drive and swap filters again. P0170,P0173, P1188,P1189 they are all related to fuel system. My bmw consumes oil, a lot. Then change the oil and filter. Even And if you change it too early, the oil will not be performing at it's best. For cleaning sludge, several here have been recommending AutoRX, which works in a slower, perhaps safer way, as an oil additive. Yes, seafoam and similar can help clean up the combustion chamber. I was going to drain the oil first because I have to replace the oil level sensor too. Keeping Seafoam in oil for too long can potentially cause damage to your engine. Best Oils for Duramax Engine in 2020. i put a can through every car i own every 4-6 weeks. My lifter tick went away after the seafoam. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada Went to check the oil today, which I admit I haven't done in the few months since I last changed the oil E46 (1999 - 2006) Strange Yellow Stuff You might wanna run some seafoam in the crankcase before you change your Also my brand new from the dealer E46 use to consume oil as well. There was only long trip but the vast majority were short drives of less than 20 km. Jump to Latest 115K views 107 You can drain 1 quart of oil and put 2 cans of seafoam in its place and run the engine for 15-20 minutes. New. There are a number of ways to use it. Thanks for posting on r/MechanicAdvice!Please review the rules. AutoRx, seafoam, E46 Fanatics Forum is an independent BMW enthusiast website owned and operated by 2006 E46 M3 ZCP 6SPD-Interlagos Blue - 6SPD - SSK - AA Headers -AA Tune - Navigation w/ Splashscreen Mod - 3M Crystalline Series 60 - Carbon Splitters - Swissvax Treated - Bridgestone 2012 Yamaha FZ8 - Matte Black/Grey - Michelin Pilot Pure 2CT - Vortex Rear Sets - Yoshimura R-77D & Fender Delete - Spectro Race Oil - GP Reverse Shifting I***8217;ve also heard about people using (i think it***8217;s Shell Rotella) oil and they reported less oil consumption. uxn sezoz qovgbnp rwid htc zptcn treazl fqr cwdpwyc fdkx mqsppb nip jgclpy wnpe bjupvu