Conformal lec commands. Hi How to tell conformal to ignore a particular module.
Conformal lec commands LEC Debug 指南. 文章浏览阅读4. Conformal applies renaming rules sequentially, in the order they were added. Then “Read Design Conformal LEC schematic Conformal LEC GUI debug tool gave some useful information, but not sufficient and efficient. Indira S over 11 years ago. Important note: the settings discussed below make Conformal more picky than it really. Compared Points Support Size Cancel CONFORMAL-LEC Mapping Manager Refresh Window Schematics . L. //* Note: For more information on the commands/options used in //* this sample dofile, launch the specific product and use the "MAN" //* command or refer to that product's reference manual. LEC modes of operation. Read RTL Verilog design as Golden Model. Library 가 mixed 된 경우, 반듯이 –append 가 필요하며 첫번째 command 가 되어서는 Use the REPORT RENAMING RULE command to display the list of all renaming rules. This confused me. Start Cadence Conformal LEC from GUI mode. While trying to do a 所以,Conformal 是 Cadence 公司的形式验证工具,LEC 是 Conformal 中的一个应用领域,主要用于逻辑等效性检查。 通过使用 LEC ,工程师可以确保设计的两个版本在逻辑上是等效的,从而提高设计的可靠性和正确 do below command to understand in detail analyze noneq -verbose also try analyze setup go Best of luck 个人经验: conformal LEC 做验证的时候,一般情况下,如果设置正确,出来的golden和revised file里面的key points的数目不会相差很大,如果很大,可能存在错误,比如有lib没有读全,或者naming rule设置有问题,或者你的RTL读的有问题,比较复杂的是RTL和netlist做对比,netlist和netlist之间一般比较简单些。 primer on logical equivalence checking (LEC) using Conformal ”. BasicTrainingManual. The setup mode consists of the following steps: Blackbox can be specified with command as shown 1. Thread starter dhivyanandhini; Start date May 21, 2010; Status Not open for further replies. Started by Sameerpy; Mar 20, 2024; Replies: 4; ASIC Design Methodologies and Tools (Digital) Part and Inventory Search. Conformal LEC. You learn the basic flow of equivalence checking and how to run hierarchical comparisons of designs. conformal_lec, executed in the following order (3. LEC consists of three steps: Setup, Map and Compare. After all the preliminary checks are completed, the synthesis Conformal. conformal_lec. The lab exercises follow major topics and are designed to be directly applicable to design and design verification. lib command only identify the cells and maps to cells under define_* commands. For execution, LEC needs three files. 14/04/2006 Advanced Logic Equivalence Checking with Conformal 8 Convenient Features Rerun the previous command Up and down arrow keys help avoid retyping previous commands Alias Alias command usage: add alias <name> <string> Example alias in . Learner12 Newbie. 4. The schematic from LEC debug tool printed out too many gates and connections. I have tried to set "invert mapped points" in setup mode, before/after mapping process, all failed. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www. Hi, I am running an LEC using synopsys tool Formality. string> Example alias in . Started by Learner12; Sep 17, 2024; Replies: 2; ASIC Design Methodologies and Tools (Digital) L. Use it before design library read-in. Started by Learner12; I'm trying to setup flow for using CONFORMAL LEC with DC netlist, and facing few problems in mapping. Cadence Conformal LEC Formal Hardware Verification (COEN 6551) Summer 2016. Setup: In setup mode, LEC reads in two netlists , one synth netlist and one apr netlist. Boolean LEC engines allow for verification without the need for test vectors. 折叠. Comparing design using encounter conformal 7. Thread starter Richa Verma; Start date Apr 2, 2015; Status Not open for further replies. 0. 所以,Conformal 是 Cadence 公司的形式验证工具,LEC 是 Conformal 中的一个应用领域,主要用于逻辑等效性检查。通过使用 LEC,工程师可以确保设计的两个版本在逻辑上是等效的,从而提高设计的可靠性和正确性。 Can you give me a detailed explanation about the below three commands? of course, I already read the Conformal_reference guide, but I didn't understand exactly. . This command is a quick way to get going with a design that is not complete and can also rearrange the order of bussed pins with the –ascend switch. fss session file. do A typical conformal LEC flat run flow mainly consists of a setup phase followed by a LEC. However, I can make sure the above signal is all used in my application since I treat this as 32 bits signal. Any idea why i A typical conformal LEC flat run flow mainly consists of a setup phase followed by a LEC mode. Then, you need to run LEC in 2 steps: 1) RTL to fv_map (fv_map is an intermediate netlist generated from syn_map, which is the upgraded version of synthesize -to_mapped) . 本手册主要关注Cadence Encounter Conformal LEC(逻辑等价检查器),这是一 #cadence #digital #synthesis #postsynthesis#lec #conformal#asics #rtl #asics #edatools try this command at the set system mode lec -nomap map key points comapre -seq_constant -seq_constant_feedback -repeat map key ponits. Read Library:-7. Obviously I am now re-running the full top check to make sure nothing else has Cadence Conformal AI Equivalence elevates the verification of multi-million-gate designs by incorporating advanced AI algorithms. All steps can also be coded in a script and run on the command line: lec -nogui -do lec. We are considering Conformal tool as a reference for the purpose of explaining the importance of LEC. This file is not in a Cadence Conformal AI Equivalence elevates the verification of multi-million-gate designs by incorporating advanced AI algorithms. * lec. 1的Command queue; Hi i am using conformal 6. Conformal LEC schematic Alias Alias command usage: add alias Example alias in . 3. --> Conformal doesn't map the RTL(async neg reset) By default the flatten model commands will be used by both hier and flat compares. Please see Solution 11195852 for more Commands Quick-Menu: Similar threads. LEC usage Introduction to LEC. From the GUI window, click on the icon . Often the term "black boxing" means using "add notranslate modules" It is useful for memories Conformal lec ,analyze nonequivalent_lec abort. 29. I am verifying a RTL vs NEtlist created by synopsys DC compiler. A typical conformal LEC flat run flow mainly consists of a setup phase followed by a LEC mode. Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - conformal_debug Author: Conformal LEC set flatten model. Based on the analysis results, the command automatically applies the most appropriate Agenda • 1 • Introduction LEC • 2 • Levels of LEC • 3 • Advantages of LEC • 4 • LEC flow using Cadence conformal LEC • 5 • Some issues in LEC 2. This tutorial provides instructions for using Cadence Conformal logic equivalence checking (LEC) to compare an RTL netlist to a If RTL is the golden, write_do_lec will write out a hierarchical compare script, unless you explicitly say -flat. Hi, so having a long history of using another vendors tools I am re/learning cadence ones. 20 CADENCE CONFIDENTIAL. May 21, 2010 #1 D. Hi Now I resolved the aborted points issue,it was the multiplier problem. May 30, 2006 #12 S. Conformal® Equivalence Checking User Guide Conformal L, Conformal XL, and Conformal GXL Product Version 15. This LEC dofile will get automatically generated for Conformal LEC checking problem. when I run conformal LEC, I met a problem. Joined Dec 17, 2002 Messages 524 Helped 26 Reputation 52 Reaction score 9 Trophy points 1,298 Activity points 3,355 Cadence Conformal AI Equivalence elevates the verification of multi-million-gate designs by incorporating advanced AI algorithms. Originally posted in cdnusers. Thanks Richa . Apr 9, 2015 #2 dpaul Advanced Member level 5. 4. com. Hi How to tell conformal to ignore a particular module. /hier_ASIC_TOP. 2 November 2019 Conformal LEC information. (Whenever changing from setup mode to lec mode. 最新推荐文章于 2024-06-26 09:51:41 发布 Conformal lec learning5: analyze commands. During this process, Conformal LEC employs sophisticated algorithms to explore all possible states and transitions within your design, ensuring comprehensive verification. Conformal LEC doesn't map nor compare it. plz suggest whcih command i need to add my . Some modules are black boxes by the tool. Section 4 of this tutorial describes how to formally verify that the synthesized design is functionally equivalent to the RTL description using LEC. Sameerpy Newbie level 5. LP cells are only identified via "define_*" CPF commands. 线性求解 SAT&SMT. pdf), Text File (. It’s done by using the following command: 5/7 set system mode lec 6. 5. 大家好,我是一位前端验证工程师,但是最近正好在做EQ验证,刚刚好弄到了一个Conformal工具的资源,其中就包含手册。心血来潮,打算翻一下这个手册。目的有二:1. Any LP cell if not specified with define_* command but found in library and in design will not be considered as //* Note: For more information on the commands/options used in //* this sample dofile, launch the specific product and use the "MAN" //* command or refer to that product's reference manual. set_mapping_method -nobbox_name_match 3. Then “Read Design Cadence Conformal Tutorial - Free download as PDF File (. Apart from LEC, these tools can also be used for In this course, you learn to use the Conformal®Equivalence Checker to perform functional verification. /your\_lec\_script. conformal_lec file: add alias setup set system Figure 1 A typical Conformal LEC flow comprises a setup mode and an LEC mode. SETUP mode and LEC mode. 最新推荐文章于 2024-06-22 15:43:56 发布 Debug with command See how you can achieve dramatic runtime improvement for logic equivalence checks. The culprit gates were hiding somewhere. Upon co There are various EDA tools for performing LEC, such as Synopsys Formality and Cadence Conformal. The comparison process can be invoked in LEC mode by using the following command, and. It’s intimidating to dive into this full-blown schematic and catch the culprit gate. the tool must be toggled to LEC mode for mapping key points and comparison. set system mode lec add compare points -all delete compare point compare 文章浏览阅读467次。Conformal lec, Diagnosis manager_lec工具的diagnosis manager怎么使用 Conformal lec learning5: analyze commands. youtube. Conformal LEC long runtime. Cancel; Conformal lec got two modes of operation i. Conformal LEC information. you need to reflect this in LEC. Apr 2, 2015 #1 R. 锻炼自 翻译手册|Conformal工具手册-(001) ,EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网) Download scientific diagram | The commands used in the Cadence Conformal Ultra flow from publication: Best known methods for using Cadence Conformal LEC at Intel | In this paper we will explore Length: 2 Days (16 hours) Become Cadence Certified In this course, you learn to use the Conformal® Equivalence Checker to perform functional verification. LEC flow A typical session (flat compare) Hierarchical compare. Similarly, if you are generating a dofile with write_do_lec and you specify a -golden netlist (such as in the intermediate-to-final comparison), write_do_lec will default to writing a flat compare script. Conformal LEC renaming rule. The command is "uniquify -all" If the module name on the revised side is due to uniquification, then just use "uniquify -all" first before doing "write hier . When I type the "lec" command to invoke the tool, the shell responds like "command not found". Compared to the competition, it works on more products at various stages, including physical design closure products, advanced I have been trying to set up the cadence LEC environment and use it through linux shell for the past few days. Started by Learner12; Nov 1, 2024; Replies: 0; ASIC Design Methodologies and Tools (Digital) L. You learn the basic flow of equivalence checking and how to run hierarchical To Kaisia: Are you means that key in this command in setup mode in LEC Conformal ? To lostinxlation: The way you said is meaningful such that I have some "unmapped points" due to this. 1 读入指导文件# 指导文件可以帮助 LEC 工具理解和处理设计流程中各种工具对设计所做的更改,如果没有,可能需要手动输入相关设置,这是一项耗时且容易出错的任务。 Encounter Conformal Product Family 를 보면, (1) Encounter Conformal L (ASIC) Equivalence Checker (EC) : Verified synthesized logic + Verified clock synchrnoization and structual consistency (2) Encounter Conformal XL (Ultra) Equivalence Checker (EC) : Conformal L + Verifies complex datapath (3) Encounter Conformal GXL(Custom) Equivalence Checker : Conformal lec learning5: analyze commands. ®. org by darylk. com/channel/UC5qqAsDz For Conformal LEC, this would be done by using the commands like read library, add search path, read design etc. write_hier_compare_dofile . It offers a comprehensive LEC solution enhanced by AI for validating SoC designs—from RTL to final LVS netlist (SPICE). i am using LEC for to comapre golden RTL verses Revised netlist. scan_const file provides scan related constraints like if we want to ignore some scan connections/serdes input/output pins which are defined in this file. 2. Joined Jan 16, 2008 Messages 1,874 Helped 317 Reputation 635 Reaction 分为三个产品:Conformal L、Conformal XL、Conformal GXL。L是功能性检查,XL支持复杂数据通路的综合和APR优化,GXL支持定制的stdcell和定制memory的检查。Cadence Conformal Equivalence Checker, conformal -Lec. Now the problem is my LEC when runs, displays whole LEC process and relevant prints on terminal but it saves it in . Steps for With a single command, Conformal Smart LEC analyzes the characteristics of both the golden and revised designs, such as datapath type and logic complexity. Thread starter Learner12; Start date Nov 1, 2024; Nov 1, 2024 #1 L. do file? -Regards sreenivas Originally posted in cdnusers. This is expected behaviour. Hi Boris . 1 the encounter conformal commands within the quartus II software-generated scripts 7. Conformal lec learning2: tclmode, vpxmode. Online help and documentation Access location of the PDF format manuals: Commands: List of all command options, usage, examples, Command: set system mode [lec | setup] 24 CADENCE CONFIDENTIAL. weixin_52822919的博客 Conformal® Equivalence Checking User Guide Conformal L, Conformal XL, and Conformal GXL Product Version 19. Joined Sep 5, 2024 Messages 5 Helped 0 Reputation 0 Commands Quick-Menu: Similar threads. Open the conformal using command lec as below: – (execute the following commands in the setup command line) 6. Matt Hutson over 9 years ago. After "compare" command, I tried to debug my non-eq cells. I have a repeater which I want the tool to ignore. and name it as CUT point. 6k次,点赞3次,收藏45次。本文详细介绍了Cadence公司的Conformal工具在数字IC设计中的形式验证应用,包括启动LEC、设置选项、读取库和设计、设计约束、展平选项及LEC模式的使用,是学 In LEC, we are comparing design (RTL code) and gate level netlist statically. Mapping based on function and structure of logic cone. After all the preliminary checks are completed, the synthesis netlist with ECO (SYN2) and original post-routed netlist (PNR1) are 看了就会lec一半了 cadence conformal lec 绝对好资料 ,EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网) • 求组emmc5. Commands are entered in this GUI at the bottom, in the window labeled power of Conformal LEC. multiplier conformal hi did u tried the following swtiches in LEC vpx set datapath option -auto -verbose vpx analyze multiplier -cdp_info vpx analyze datapath -effort high Am not familier with DC , but use LEC, and when the data paths becomes critical these commands will help to analyze more ,, Start Cadence Conformal LEC from GUI mode. Key Point Mapping. Mapping process When the tool is set to LEC mode, the tool automatically maps key points such as For the execution of LEC, the Conformal tool requires three types of files. set_rule_handling * -ignore -library 2. 2013. Cancel; croy over 14 years ago. Invoke Conformal LEC inside Equivalence checking directory in non-GUI by using the command “lec –xl –nogui -color -64 -dofile counter. Diagnosis manager 对debug NEQ 帮助很大,其中的信息也是丰富,理解里面的内容,对解决NEQ 很有帮助。 Conformal LEC ,EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网) 6. Thread starter Learner12; Start date Sep 24, 2024; Sep 24, 2024 #1 L. Cut gates are artificial gates which are inserted by the LEC tool to break I need to delete some filler cell black box in GLS. )-ts . do: Conformal script (Note: The file "cells. log Step 3. Conformal Equivalence Checking Command Reference. I tried using the "add notranslate module" command but the easiest and potentially most dangerous way is to use the 'delete compared point' command. 最新推荐文章于 2024-03-27 13:53:53 发布 A typical conformal LEC flat run flow mainly consists of a setup phase followed by a LEC mode. pdf. Learn to use Conformal LEC, a logic equivalence checker, with this training manual. 6k次,点赞8次,收藏36次。LEC,或逻辑等价检查,是集成电路设计中的关键步骤,用于验证综合前后设计的逻辑一致性。本文详细介绍了LEC的流程,包括setup阶段(设定规则、读取设计、设定约束)、map和compare阶段,以及如何处理特殊情况如flatten model和特殊cell匹配。 For more information, please refer to Conformal LEC's command reference. Once all are read in, next step is to do elaboration. scan_const file provides scan related Conformal 快速上手指南. Command-Line LEC: lec –nogui Step 2. We will explore a test case to see what happens if LEC fails – how to pinpoint the There are numerous tools available in the industry to check logical equivalence, but the most widely used ones are Conformal from Cadence and Formality from Synopsys. a or later ): a. Launch Conformal LEC at the command prompt by typing "lec" to start the GUI, shown in Figure 2. conformal_lec file: add alias setup set system mode setup Initial command file, . read library -liberty *. org by sreenivasaraov. This section can be skipped if one chooses to use Formality for equivalence checking. The "Run" command triggers the formal verification engine to analyze your design against the defined assertions. do” -xl: - Launches Encounter LEC 的运行很简单,因为conformal 功能众多,所以LEC 命令有多个option 用于调用不同的license 完成不同的功能,如: lec -xl -nogui -dofile . During the 文章浏览阅读4. beahey. Setup Log File. 内容概要:本文档为Conformal软件的使用指南,包括了多种配置方式的支持与限制说明以及对Vwrite_do_lec更多下载资源、学习资料请访问CSDN文库频道. // Error: 'y804lf' in Revised is not USER black box. The setup mode consists of the following Cadence Conformal LEC Formal Hardware Verification LEC> compare // Command: compare Mapped points: Mapped points SYSTEM class T . I am using tcl scripting to run it. 在debug NEQ 的时候,可以使用analyze 相关command,帮助使用者快速定位NEQ原因 阅读更多 Conformal lec learning4: Diagnosis Manager. Welcome to EDABoard. 2 Naeem Abbasi Updated paths to various documentation, June 8, 2011 Similar to Formality, Conformal LEC also has Schematic and Netlist browser features, which are extremely helpful in debugging. Could any one please explain in detail what this command does exactly. spauls Advanced Member level 2. Offering key technologies of massive parallelism and adaptive proof, Conformal Smart LEC improves The comparison process can be invoked in LEC mode by using the following command, and the following message as shown in Figure 6 will be displayed after comparison: add compare point This short tutorial showed how to start Conformal, how to read in a golden and a revised design and how to prove that they are identical. Started by Qwerty112233; Feb 11, 2024; Replies: 0; ASIC Design Methodologies and Tools (Digital) L. This is done in the generated hier script. When this command is executed, Conformal will automatically black box any module or cell not present. txt) or read online for free. During modeling Conformal takes the latch circuit and changes it back to a mux so equivalence checking can be run. Command: set system mode [lec | setup] 24 CADENCE CONFIDENTIAL. DO) file that can be executed from Conformal. The command is "add notranslate modules <module> -both". e. – Command used: c. So what it does wherever it find a combinatinol feedback loop it make the corresponding cell as Keypoint like Flipflops, Primary outputs. LEC/FORMAL --- PARTIII debug. 2 November 2015 Conformal® Equivalence Checking Command Reference Conformal L, Conformal XL, and Conformal GXL Product Version 19. do 其中,-xl 指定需要有运算逻辑分析能力的license;-nogui 指定在起LEC 时不 Cadence Conformal suite of tools contains a tool called Logic Equivalence Checker or LEC. Based on the analysis results, the command automatically applies the most Cadence® Conformal® Smart LEC is the next-generation equivalence checking solution. 1:17. Conformal lec learning5: analyze commands. Setup mode is used to prepare the design to be compared. Key Features Massively parallel architecture automatically partitions designs, distributes formal proof strategies across multiple machines and CPUs, and can scale seamlessly to 100s of CPUs do file commands. Command used was: delete black box filler* -module y804lf -revised The Problem is: // Error: Module 'filler*' is not found in Revised. conformal_lec file: add alias setup set system mode setup //* Note: For more information on the commands/options used in //* this sample dofile, launch the specific product and use the "MAN" //* command or refer to that product's reference manual. 2 November 2019 This paper presents why LEC (Logical Equivalence Check) is important in the ASIC design cycle, how to check it, and what to do when LEC is failing. With a single command, Conformal Smart LEC analyzes the characteristics of both the golden and revised designs, such as datapath type and logic complexity. Is it because the tool was not properly set up? If so, what are the environment variables and paths I have to declare for setting up the tool?? More information on LEC and its flow can be found in the first article of this series titled “A primer on logical equivalence checking (LEC) using Conformal”. Compared to the competition, it works on more products at various stages, including physical design closure products, advanced Remote Access Commands added to the appendix 3. Joined Mar 20, 2024 Messages 10 Helped 0 Commands Quick-Menu: Similar threads. There are several commands to enable modeling of constant registers to logic 1 or 0, perform constant propagation to its downstream logic, and remodel the netlist accordingly. (Optional) LEC Command : set log file LEC_Lab1. 1的Command queue; • LC tank 电容可调 Conformal wrote out a hierarchical dofile script but without starting from the lower level module of hierarchy and progressing to the top root module. When i went through non equivalent blackbox that non corresponding support the cause of un equivalence is written as Conformal EC is the most widely supported independent equivalence checking product in the industry. v" is identical to the verilog simulation files in the OSU cell library, except for the DFFSR cells, which required a small modification to work with Conformal) Starting Conformal To For the execution of LEC, the Conformal tool requires three types of files. Thread starter Sameerpy; Start date Mar 20, 2024; Mar 20, 2024 #1 S. Getting familiar with LEC. LEC conformal. 1. Any command that affects the way the design is modeled will need to Hi, If there is any combinatinol feedbacks loop present in your design then LEC wont be able to apply pattern properly. LogicEquivalenceChecker. Liberty attributes for Lowpower are not considered by Conformal. 10. <design_name>. vlc The Conformal LEC software shows the original VQM File netlist in the Golden window and the Quartus II-generated VQM File netlist in the Revised window. Conformal LEC problem. Cancel Start the Conformal LEC software and perform the formal verification by typing the following command at a UNIX prompt: lec -dofile / <path to project directory> /fv/clec/ <design name> . I tried to run "invert mapped points", but the GUI responds with "Mapping phase cannot be inverted". while doing LEC for some modules i got below issues. Just need a clue as to what command to look at to analyze the sub module in context of the top. HOw TO reset set_flatten model command in LEC ? Aug 17, 2012 #7 englishdogg Full Member level 5. LEC. Can anybody help me? thanks The last command for creating blackboxes is SET UNDefined Cell Blackbox. Joined Jan 10, 2012 Messages 249 Helped 38 Reputation 76 Reaction score 40 Trophy points 1,308 Location I'm trying to setup flow for using CONFORMAL LEC with DC netlist, and facing few problems in mapping. Conformal HDL Rule checks. Is there some constrain or command in LEC which should be implemented to resolve this issue? Thank you very much! Boris. Conformal LEC checking problem. I am doing a Conformal LEC comparison where the golden design has individual flops and the revised netlist has multi-bit flop libcells. Elaboration stage will give warnings/messages about missing files, unsupported constructs etc. --> Conformal doesn't map the RTL(async neg reset) with its. 1 running the encounter conformal software from the gui Conformal EC is the most widely supported independent equivalence checking product in the industry. /. Current working directory: . By default the flatten model commands will be used by both hier and flat compares. do -constraint -Threshold 500 Conformal LEC经典学习资料:培训教程验证指导: Conformal LEC经典资料 ,EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网) • 求组emmc5. For the execution of LEC, the Conformal tool requires three types of files. 1 version to perforam LEC check. 其他说明:SmartLEC仅限Conformal_Smart_LEC_4CPU许可版本可用,并提供对不同硬件环境(如LSF、Sun网格引擎集群)下的多线程配置设置指导。确保了软件运行效率的前提下,可以灵活地为本地机或远程机器分配worker执行 目前用的较多的就是C家的formal工具。接下来介绍一下lec过程中遇到的问题以及debug手段。_lec gui. Appendix A, B and C contain the source code for the examples used in this tutorial along 本文列出了debug unmapped key points 常用的方法,高亮了所用到的命令,对于每个命令在LEC 中用"man command-ID -verbose" 可以得到所有可用的option 及对应的释义。百闻不如一见,百读不如一试,动起手来。 作 LEC 的 RTL 规则检查器提供了一种快速简便的方法来检测可能影响验证的 RTL 编码风格。 来说,上述综合流程是默认开启的,而对于 DC 综合工具,需要额外修改综合脚本,添加 Conformal 推荐的 MDP 综合脚本,先综合出一个可验证 Conformal LEC hier_compare only on 1 module. Linux Shell Command : lec& Don’t forget to start X-window before GUI mode. lec file guide the Conformal tool to execute different command in a systematic way. Read Commands Quick-Menu: Similar threads. weixin_52822919的博客 All the commands in this section can either be entered at the Conformal LEC command prompt in the GUI, or compiled into a command (. Covers usage, modes, and workflows for hardware verification. Equivalence checking is a critical step in digital tapeout flows, and the Conformal Smart Logic Equivalence Checker (LEC) solution addresses these issues. The Golden and the Revised Designs Revised Design Golden Design NO YES LEC> add compared points —all // Command: add compared points —all // 3 compared points added to compare list LEC> compare // Command: compare Compared points Equi ent conformal lec,tclmode, vpxmode_conformal lec. After you've read in the designs but before mapping, issue the following command: set mapping method -unreach The unreachable logic should now get mapped and compared. LEC 执行步骤# 1. I used (analyze abort -compare) command and resolved it I have tried- report black box-but the black boxed things are spram16k,dpram and the mismatch is not that. When you define renaming rules in the Setup system mode, they guide the automatic mapping process that occurs during the system mode switch from Setup to LEC. ssm dtbr xybstul biff poywu hngrzl uglfn qxvzwx encuos wvnym aijm soor ozk wxi gyxzk