Build a javascript calculator freecodecamp. Version 2 Wish List is: Make the calculator look nicer.

Build a javascript calculator freecodecamp Please help. JavaScript calculator - help with tests. Tell us what’s happening: Failing steps 5 and 6 even though the console output is correct for all 3 years. I have one more user story to satisfy: User Story #13: If 2 or more operators are entered consecutively, the operation performed should be the last operator entered. Hello! I’m wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction with respect to how to parse & complete the calculations, based on the data in entered into the calculator For instance, once I hit The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a JavaScript Calculator. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; Javascript i need How to build an HTML calculator app from scratch using JavaScript. I do not know if it’s a browser iss Tell us what’s happening: Describe your issue in detail here. Build a JavaScript Calculator. User Story #12: I should be able to perform any operation (+, -, *, /) on numbers containing decimal points. So i’ve being trying to finish the javascript calculator challenge for the front-end library course, i can’t get my code to pass the last test for handling multiple operator. I need help =/ , I haven’t been able to pass the calculator challenge for 3 days. Learn to Tell us what’s happening: I have submitted a link to the assignment twice, but the multi function calculator tickbox unchecks itself, and when I go to see if the link is there? It’s gone, and the ‘I’ve completed this challenge’ box is unchecked. If you have a question about a specific challenge as it relates to your written code for that challenge and need some help, click the Help button located on the challenge. A post was merged into an existing topic: Build a JavaScript Calculator Bug. We’ll focus on the JavaScript you need to write—how to think about building the calculator, how to write the code, and eventually, how to clean up your code. first of very nice looking calculator, good job . io app that is functionally similar to this: https://codepen. The calculator will let me perform a function with out first entering an number. Since 2015, 40,000 graduates have gotten jobs at tech companies including Google, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft. This is my second time doing this, so I hope my video quality has improved!Tools Used The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a JavaScript Calculator - Help. admit8490 April 1, 2023, 6:45pm 3. The freeCodeCamp Forum "Build a JavaScript Calculator" nikkilr88 April 26, 2017, 7:58pm 1. Build a JavaScript Calculator (user story 9 fails) Stuck on solving the last test advice appreciated! JavaScript. JavaScript. New replies are no longer allowed. Hello, im stuck with Test 13. If you want to make sure your project is not failing because of React 18 start by using the old render method and if that doesn't help downgrade freeCodeCamp. hello and welcome to fcc forum . io/freeCodeCamp/full/wgGVVX. system Closed February 1, 2024, 5:41am 2. Just click on the arrow in the upper right of each section and then click on ‘Analyze’ I think it is an issue of how the test are written. Javascript Calculator Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; Front End Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator Hello, i need your help guys , for some reasons my Calculator isn’t giving the right answer when i try to add numbers (regarding the addition only i didn’t do the others yet). length/2] Hi there! Your above calculation should be within an additional array. Learn to Code — For Free. sort(). But the test says the outcome is still -25. 3: 307: June 9, 2024 Okay, so your code won’t return anything at the minute. hasanzaib1389 March 4, 2025, 4:54pm 2. The test is definitely not asking for 5. Build a Leap Year Calculator. mgazge August 3, 2018, 2:54pm 1. I am working on my calculator, and I am stumped trying to make my operators work properly. Tell us what’s happening: Hey FCC Staff, I know I wasn’t told to create a variable for the DOM query selector but I didn’t know what else to do. To help with cleanup codepen provides you with validators. Your getMedian function should use sorted array. Your code I am done building the javaScript calculator and everything is working fine. From my test, everything’s right. I understand that further calculation could be done Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. 0 it accepts that as a valid input and shows it. Front End Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. When I changed the view to editor (taking care not to look at the code itself), the calculator appeared in the preview, but it doesn’t show up in full page or details view. I am trying to display the numbers being pressed, but when I first press a button, the number doesn’t show up at first, but when I press another button, the first initial number that I pressed shows up but the recent number doesn’t. Can you Hi @YukaKoshiba. mikesuchor July 31, 2017, CodePen. 2: 897: February 2, 2021 Tell us what’s happening: Hi guys! can you help me check my code? I am confident that I did it correctly, but still say’s 'Your function should still increment the counts variable properly. please help! Your code so far freecodecamp. ”) to decimal value in input state its changing the decimal to string (i checked it using console) which is why I think it is not passing the user case. ~Thanks 🙂 Your code so far import copy import Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. Build a Javascript Calculator - evaluating expression help. Project #7 - Build a JavaScript Calculator - Free Code Camp Version 2 Wish List is: Make the calculator look nicer. With 2024 as the value of Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. So, instead of compounding the Tell us what’s happening: I’m really struggling with this one. Tell us what’s happening: The example CodePen doesn’t exist. share your “codepen or repl or others like it” link including all these codes, that way it gets way better to troubleshoot, happy coding . User Story #13: Looks like a calculator . org. looks like it’s not hitting Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. My question is,is there Tell us what’s happening: Hello, I’ve tried with if statements and ternary operators but I cannot manage to pass this step and I don’t understand what’s going wrong. freeCodeCamp. I know Today, we build the JavaScript Calculator as described by FreeCodeCamp. 2: 246: Tell us what’s happening: Describe your issue in detail here. otherwise you can write any function as your want . If i type it in like that, the for loop transforms it into 5+5, which is 10. Update: In an attempt to fix the issue with React 18 we have implemented delays to button clicks performed by the tests and before checking the DOM content. sort((a, b) => a - b); why do you have sort twice in a row? that doesn’t seem correct, you will need to remove one. hadji January 5, 2025, 3:08pm 1. Lige-w January 24, 2019, 4:27pm 1. filter() method. bappyasif June 8, 2023, 10:12am 2. I am not able to pass the test no. Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. First off; you can’t just directly import on Codepen. brandon Tell us what’s happening: If I run this code, I cannot fulfil this step. Tell us what’s happening: freeCodeCamp. This topic was automatically closed 182 Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. Build a JavaScript calculator that fulfills the following: User Story: I can add, subtract, multiply and divide tw Hi, I have just completed the JavaScript Calculator project in the front end development course. I would appreciate some help. Forked from [Aniruddh Agarwal] (http://codepen. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. 5*-+5 The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a JavaScript Calculator. Well, we save the map return in a numbers variable, so that is what we pass as the argument to the array parameter. try input: 3 + 5 * I would expect to see 8 in the display after that, but I see 15. ive commented my code to better explain how i think it sould be working But it shows completely absurd results when tested automatically by freecodecamp. Learn to Code — For Tell us what’s happening: dispite looking at a bunch of other form posts i just cant figure it out, all i can tell is not to use an assignment after the ternary. I’ve tried conditionals, regular freeCodeCamp. io/awesomeaniruddh/)'s Pen [JS Calculator] (http://codepen. I tried different approach: counts[el] === true ? counts += 1 : counts = 1 //Space or no spaces counts[el]?counts++:counts=1 Your code so far /* file: script. What is the DOM? So, what are you going to need to make the most of this tutorial? You'll need a browser, a Objective: Build a CodePen. We can’t tell you anything without seeing the code. bvanb December 22, 2022, Remember freeCodeCamp teaches you try different method and want you to learn different method because this is your learning time . Build projects. Need some help on #13 of Building a Javascript Calc w/ React. length; const getMedian = (array) => { const sorted = array. Whenever I go and click on a double operand, the operand comes up on the display. When I input numbers into the app, only the last digit appears in the #display element. 6: 832: March 24, 2024 I need help Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. nkp1111 August 23, 2022, Build a JavaScript Calculator. The freeCodeCamp Forum Building a calculator app. In order to save you some time the Bug should be coming from one of this two functions : equal() or add() If Tell us what’s happening: Describe your issue in detail here. I just decided to bring some person attention to freecodecamp tutorial videos, which I master a lot of javascript programming from. share your codepen/repl link if possible can you also point to where exactly in your codebase do you think it needs a little aforementioned help? Part of the FreeCodeCamp curriculum. If I could find a good example I could understand better. The freeCodeCamp Forum Javascript Calculator Project. ILM January 26, 2025, 5:24pm 2. My code works when I manually test it. billybob20051 June 24, 2023, 12:39am 1. freecodecamp. In any order, I should be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide a chain of numbers of any length, and when I hit “=”, the correct result should be shown in the element with the id of “display” I’m trying to add ‘amounts’ after an operator btn has been selected to an array as Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. I hope it will help. explicitly pass the new input value as part of the Hello; The title says ‘Calculator’ but the link leads to a drum machine Also, how did you manage to use useState without importing it? You should import react, reactDom etc. I have encountered a problem. 4:2, 5:1 } in the console. from a CDN. which makes two assignments on the same line. Well one is generic array and could contain anything as the elements, numbers is a more descriptive name for what that specific array contains. Please help me Build a Leap Year Calculator. There’s one for HTML, CSS and JS. and the next input is . value to see if it contains a specific character, and I am doing this through using Regex. 1: 332: January 7, 2023 Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. It doesn’t mesh well with Babel JSX processing and will cause things not to render on screen. I’ve made sure to mark the colab book so anybody with the link can see it so unsure as to why this is happening. Tell us what’s happening: Build a Leap Year Calculator. If an expression is outside of the curly braces , it’s not part of the method. When I click it I see a pen which has a white background, and nothing on top except for the test suite. After testing one by one, I didn’t get same failure results. Build a JavaScript calculator that fulfills the following: User Story: I can add, subtract, multiply and divide tw Same. 1: 247: February 5, 2024 Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. You can use any A calculator built in JS. We’ll focus on the JavaScript you need to write—how to think about building the calculator, how to In this article, you'll learn about the DOM along with loops and events by building a simple iOS calculator app. The rest of the code works properly. They take your function and convert it to a string and parse it, but they can only do so much to make sure it matches the correct format. js */ const getMean = (array) => array. There’s something not actually present in the method. Also, it seems to keep the numbers in the middle of the screen . js: class App extends // Declare a variable num with a number between 1 and 20 let num = 5; // Create factorialCalculator function that takes a number as argument function factorialCalculator(number) { // Declare result variable initialized to 1 let result = 1; // Using a for loop to calculate factorial for (let i = 1; i <= number; i++) { result = result * i; } return result; } // Calculate factorial by calling the Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. Hey everyone, I’m struggling to get my calculator to do the proper mathematical operations once I hit the equals button. Please let me know what am I missing out as this is the last project that needs to be completed for the certification. If I allow multiple decimal points (which is of course not acceptable), I can pass user story 12 (operations on decimal numbers). faycal. 7: 300: April 29, 2024 Home ; Subforums Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. JuKaRi269 December 6, 2024, The Help button will create a new topic with all code you have written and include a link to the challenge also. Overall it seems to work expect: The calculator will allow numbers to run outside of the screen. 1: 925: I am unable to pass the third test case for the probability calculator project. The only thing i can think of is that it doesn’t like the “if else” statement. With 1900 as the value of the year variable, the result should be 1900 is not a leap year” and I try changing the value of the “let year” variable to this: “let year = 1900;” After that I ran the code again, and now I haven’t not fullfil these two steps “Failed:5. The test is not going through. 7: 978: February 2, 2021 JS Calculator Feedback and need Help for a Bug. kinome79 January 29, 2023, 5:08am 2. If the current input is 5. The freeCodeCamp Forum Learn Advanced Array Methods by Building a Statistics Calculator - Step 35 Learn Advanced Array Methods by Building a Statistics Calculator - Step 35. Try 10 Hello! I’m working on the calculator App and I’m wondering how I can remove all the animation when I click on a button element? I’ve been trying a few solutions and I can’t seem to get it right. 8: 283: August 10, 2023 Create a functioning calculator using JavaScript only. So i cant get to the result -25. html sorted[(sorted. Thank you! BenGitter April 26 If I input 5. I have dedicated a lot to the projects and I cannot pass the test for the 15th point of the challenge. Please somebody let me know, why I am failing the test. Tell us what’s happening: Merry Christmas FCC Gang! there is no rest for the wicked, hence why I am grinding FCC JS on Christmas Day! Could one of you help me with my code? Your code so far /* file: script. that second input should be ignored. Challenge: Build a JavaScript Calculator. Give it your own personal style. Since I’m attempting to follow along UsefelProgrammer on YouTube and I’m struggling with the double operand. I setup the Dear people, I’m still struggling with test #13 of js calculator, think I’ve come up with correct logic, but now React is in the way of my “happily ever after”. c0d1ng_ma5ter September 4, 2024, 4:53pm 1 (I know I may have been asking for a bit too much help lately but) Once more, I’m almost finished with a front-end certification project, but I’m stuck at test 13. In fact, if you are on a windows computer and set the calculator to “standard” you’ll see it. You are generating a new value for the key prop on render. I am pretty sure that I have done it right and have spent a lot of time figuring out the mistake. trrstk: When I type 2 or more operators consecutively, the operation performed is the last operator entered (excluding the negative (-) sign), as asked. Lendron27 September 2, 2023, 1:59pm 1. You don’t need to, with evenListMedian you are calculating the median of testArr2, which you know has an even number of elements. If i put in the number set 4, 4, 2, 5 it returns { 2:1. Please a review om my code would be greatly appreciated. lasjorg May 16, 2024, 7:41pm 2. ʕ⁠ ⁠º⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠ ⁠º⁠ʔ Tell us what’s happening: Here is a link to my codepen: I’ve been working on this project for a while and have a pretty good understanding of how everything works. 8: 408: October 2, 2023 Javascript Calculator 12th case. I have finished the calculator project using React. Tell us what’s happening: I’m having trouble locating the issue in my code to pass test 13 on the javascript calculator when entering 5*-5 the negative operator clears out my input and results in the answer -5 instead o Personal choice whether you choose to build a scientific calculator or not. Visual Studio Code - Take a screenshot of the code and paste it to the Google lens and copy the text. org freeCodeCamp. You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. I am trying to work on step 9. It seems a little unnecessary to mentally jump ahead to the next step by inserting this The freeCodeCamp Forum Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. system Closed May 9, 2024, 10:14am 2. Here’s my code. Okay. Tell us what’s happening: I don’t get it with what is wrong with my code. 6: 522: The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a JavaScript Calculator doubt. bappyasif April 15, 2024, 1:08pm 2. Here is my CodePen. Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself. io Challenge: Build a JavaScript Calculator. write it an old method or in ES6 arrow function . JavaScript lets you do that without errors, but you shouldn’t. Here is what I have done so far would be welcoming comments and feedback about this. Add keyboard presses to push the buttons. here is the live version. i used built in javascript method eval() for calculating the expression values entered in the calculator after modifying them according to project requirements. The code gives odd decimal results. lasjorg August 7, 2023, 8:13pm 2. . Hi, dear freeCodeCamp team! Good day! Here’s my code for Build a JavaScript Calculator: The test result showed 5 failed parts. I have no clue, I hope you guys can help me out! Your code so far Index. jlove937 March 10, 2025, 2:01am 1. The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a JavaScript Calculator Feedback. midhunlc July 13, 2018, 5:29pm 1. As a solution for this I found that I should. io/awesomeaniruddh/p Today, we build the JavaScript Calculator as described by FreeCodeCamp. mr-aakash January 17, 2025, 1:56pm 1. js */ // User Editable About External Resources. Your code so far <!-- file: index. Hi @vitomortalo99. Sprigazalea September 29, 2024, 7:56pm 1. lasjorg June 16, 2021, 4:25pm 2. Code Feedback. Well, this project introduces some more complex issues that you don’t seem to have addressed in your code. Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a . Thankfully, you can handle both of these cases at once with the . 4: 356: January 24, 2022 Javascript Calculator help. target. I press two, one What is confusing about the step itself? The instructions were simple: I guess the part about the . I am building the calculator using react I can’t find a solution to point 15 described below. By the end The freeCodeCamp Forum Build A Javascript Calculator. Your code needs to handle the case when the second number for a multiplication operation is negative. 0 as a valid input as that doesn’t make any sense. Fulfill the below user stories and get all of the tests to pass. If the Admin is not okay with this, please delete this post instantly. I need help with my JavaScript Calculator project. filter() method that will be used in step 41 could be a little confusing, seeing as it isn’t used in step 40. The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a JavaScript Calculator. This button only appears if you have tried to submit an answer at least three times. Tell us what’s happening: I really need some help with this, I’m just trying to make the numbers get added to the display when clicked, however, sometimes it just adds “undefined” to the display, but then you click the same element again and you do get the number. 5. As it has an even number of elements you need to take the two middle numbers and calculate their mean, that’s why you need to use getMean. CodePen My Calculator Project Build a JavaScript Calculator. You need to replace all occurances of array in the function. 2: 274: April 8, 2024 [Solved ] Help with JavaScript Calculator from Front End Libraries Certification. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity JavaScript. Is there another way to achieve to same purpose without declaring a variab . ILM March 13, 2025, Build a JavaScript Calculator. So there’s the ‘state-one-step-behind’ issue which doesnt let my fixInput function work as expected . Tests should pass but they don't. PixelPete36 September 21, 2023, 11:43pm 1. button:active { border-style: outset; } Kind of worked, but there’s still some more minor effects occurring Is there a way to remove ALL styling from a button? Allowing me to Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. Should I make a new one or submit the one I already have. also you should be using the toSorted method, not sort I did the calculator project through the help of web dev simplified - i followed his steps to understand the project better, however i cannot pass the project since : User Story #7: At any time, pressing the clear button clears the input and output values, and returns the calculator to its initialized state; 0 should be shown in the element with the id of display . Seems like the test cases could be updated because mine was failing because I believe it was reading in the final number entered into the calculator as the answer as opposed to the Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. Tell us what’s happening: Hello, Currently I’m building a calculator with React for the Front-End Certificate and I was wondering whether it would be fine to use some external libraries for evaluating the total? For example, right now my app is storing a string of all numbers and math operations that user has entered. PixelPete36 September 22, 2023, 7:18pm 1. I am attempting to check e. Teller April 19, 2024, 3:13am 2. This is an epic article where you learn how to build a calculator from scratch. Link to the challenge: freecodecamp. Since 2015, 40,000 graduates have gotten jobs at tech companies including Google, Apple, Amazon Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. Challenge part of the front-end curriculum @freecodecamp, in the line of 'Advanced Front-End W freeCodeCamp. system Closed January 1, 2023, 1:51pm 2. sort((a, b) => a - b); Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. 5 You need a way of limiting the number of times the decimal character can be added. If you can track down a basic 4-function calculator like this one I think that you’ll find that it evaluates each operation as it’s input. bbsmooth December 9, 2023, 2:59am 2. I have one last test to pass on my JavaScript Calculator project ( I should be able to perform any operation (+, -, *, /) on numbers containing decimal points), but the crazy thing is I think my calculator already passes the test functionally. I had some issues with the test suit not working with some of completion tests, but after some hours of trying to figure it out and some google searches I found a post on the FreeCodeCamp GitHub page about the issue and problems with react 18 and the test suit Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. please im having problem with my assessment , i dont know why m classlist isnt working here in my code , its been 18 hours , i have been stucked in this line , check out code below . Below is a link url to freecodecamp tutorial video on how to build javascript calculator. Hi I don’t understand what i did wrong in my code, can you help me? Build a JavaScript Calculator. Front End Development Libraries Projects FreeCodeCamp JavaScript Calculator. Learn to code. Here is my link to CodePen: Build a JavaScript Calculator Hints/Solutions are not provided for certification projects as these are intended to be a test of your learning and understanding. amjad October 20, 2016, 9:09pm 1. Missing a dot in the end of hey @MichaelO. 5: 678: July 18, 2023 Help out a noob in Front End Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Tell us what’s happening: It works perfectly I dont understand what its saying, what am I doing wrong Your code so far <!DOCTYPE html> Statistics Calculator Statistics Calculator Enter a list of Your code so far <!DOCTYPE html> Statistics Calculator Statistics Calculator Enter a list of comma-separa The freeCodeCamp Forum Learn Advanced Array Methods by Building a Statistics Calculator - Step 27 This topic was automatically closed 182 days after the last reply. MsMacarena March 4, 2025, 4:23pm 1. 1 Like Hi @SMSTR. Post it on Codepen so we can see a live example. bappyasif August 21, 2024, 1:32pm 2. 8: 408: October 2, 2023 Build a JavaScript Calculator (Solved) JavaScript. For instance I can press ‘/’ before entering a number. However, tests 13 and 16 seem to not succeed and I am not able to pass the test no. CodePen Home Javascript Calculator My latest try was to use a for Loop and it kinda works with the 5*-+5 calculation. The isLeapYear function takes a required Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. You will still be able to ask any questions in the post Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. Looking at the Tell us what’s happening: hi! ive been on this step for literal days! I would really appreciate if anyone can help me/ correct me on the syntax of my ternary operators for this step. What is the #eqation element?. Here is my link to CodePen: https: //codepen. Since the #display element only accepts one digit it a time, it will fail the two consecutive decimal points tests. JYF January 15, 2023, 7:38am 2. Guys i really need help with this, i’ve being on it for over a week now. Even though my code is able to calculate and perform operations on decimal numbers. fcc4b6d10c4-b540-4e2 January 5, 2025, 4:27pm 2. I didn’t quite finish the second ternary for the length of an odd array because I wasn’t sure what to put for the falsey attribute and everything I tried wouldn’t pass. This goes on with every button I press. For example, I press one, it doesn’t display. Any tips? Hello! I’m building a JS calculator, there aren’t anything about adding validation in the project description, so here is my question: should I add it or it’ll be enough to make a simple calculator so far? I mean I want to make it, but firstly to make the calculator according to the tasks. Front End Development Libraries - Build a JavaScript Calculator Hello. https://codepe Learn Advanced Array Methods by Building a Statistics Calculator - Step 35. Tell us what’s happening: I keep getting the error: Your getMedian function should return the mean of the middle two numbers if the array length is even. it’s pretty funny btw that the win7 calculator considers that 1 + 2 * 3 = 9 if it’s in the standard mode while in the scientific and programmer modes it considers that 1 + 2 * 3 = 7 Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. a2937 October 27, 2023, 6:53pm 2. I am sure I am putting in the right dot character, and by using logs, the decimal is converted correctly. So my ugly version is breaking test 12 for the Javascript Calculator and I am not sure why : Here is the Github. Learn to The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a JS Calculator. Your code so far <!-- f Hi! I’m having some issues with this project My code isn’t able to pass the 11th test But when I do the same sequence, I get this on the display It’s like on the test the decimal button is not working or something, what am I doing wrong here? I figure that I should post my code here, but it’s a lot of stuff, should I put it in some pastebin and link it here? Thanks a lot in The freeCodeCamp Forum Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a JavaScript Calculator. Ex: 5 + 5 = + 3 and 2 / 7 both work correctly and satisfy the test requirements when inputted manually Is there any way to see the result that th Tell us what’s happening: I am trying to align my JavaScript calculator elements according to a grid-template-areas format, but I don’t know why it’s not rendering appropriately. Earn certifications. 1: 556: February 5, 2022 I am working on the JavaScript calculator project. Check your function call. The getMode function is working as it should by this step according to console log. not sure where is the bug . paldong-creater October 9, 2023, 2:20am 1. It is the 5 Build a JavaScript Calculator. That will come later, now you just need to calculate the median for this list. Sad part for me is I can’t get my head around hat the problem could be and I have been stuck here for quite a while now. If you look in the codepen, in the return Tell us what’s happening: Weird test results and problem with story 13. I’ve since completed (I think) the functions of the calculator and just need it to render so I can test it. For next time, describe the issue in your own words. Tell us what’s happening: I don’t understand what is wrong here, I checked code many times but it doesn’t helps. satochi December 13, 2022, 9:38pm 1. Your code so far This is the link to my codepen as I dont know what the Hi, I am trying to build the calculator, but I have issues with user stories 11 (and 12). Learning to communicate problems is a part of becoming a web developer. length/2)-1], sorted[sorted. The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a JavaScript Calculator 14/16? JavaScript. I already built a calculator before I knew that it was one of the advanced projects. 9. Your code so far The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a Javascript Calculator. 2: 94: December 11, 2024 Front End - Calculator - Story 13. 5: 457: Hi campers , I have done every user story and I don’t know why I still miss one here is my code CodePen hello campers, please I need your help ,I don’t know why one user story can not pass ,despite that it is true ,I did what it should be done. reduce((acc, el) => acc + el, 0) / array. 10:08pm 2. admit8490 September 26, freeCodeCamp. Why it is called array and numbers. I’m struggling I’ve been tossing all I’ve got at story 13 and couldn’t figure out how to get it to pass, I’ve also encountered weird test results as for example story 9 wouldn’t pass when I tried to host it locally through nodeJS while it passed in the codepen linked bellow and story 15 would pass My code does the Job, but I think in my code in line 54 by adding string(“. “Failed: 7. Spent a couple hours on this. For one Do you know what is the correct way of building this project with react? I can only pass 12 tests and I don’t understand what is wrong anymore. 2: 318: October 13, 2023 Home ; Subforums ; Build a JavaScript Calculator-help with test case. This topic was automatically closed 182 days after the last reply. WongYC-66 June 16, 2023, Tell us what’s happening: I am confused as to why this is not accepting this. This is an epic article where you learn how to build a calculator from scratch. 5: 290: June 1, 2021 I didn't get what they mean by that. Failing automated assertions for tests that pass when inputted manually. Yet it keeps saying I’m not using a ternary operator, however it should not be functioning without said ternary operator. Display button values on the calculator screen as buttons are pushed. press on the number of passed tests to see the test output The freeCodeCamp Forum Build a Javascript Calculator - evaluating expression help. Hello everyone. Hilda-Enyioko: But I can’t tell which tests failed because it looks all good to me. sergiugeorgepop November 23, 2023, 11:18am 3. 13 of Build a JavaScript Calculator. This is my second time doing this, so I hope my video quality has improved! Tools Used: 1. This isn't guaranteed to fix the issue for all projects. hcqvfo hakwan uvz gswnkp tydo hqvxi qeczfk opjswm fhycqmo lxryii jrjpjm ldnhiof tey omj ngkvtj